Notes from the Principal

Swimming Program
Our swimming program has finished. All students listened and participated well with their Instructors. Swimming lessons are very tiring for the students but it is very important to keep up with skills, especially with Summer upon us.
We have recently had a Playground and Tree Safety Audit done as part of our OH&S requirements.
No carpark access
As per the announcement on the school app we will not be able to access the carparks via Barker Street on Monday 9th December. Parents can either do pick up and drop off from the front entrance gate or go around the back of the school oval and pull up at the usual parent car park. Please let your child/children know where they will be collected from to avoid any confusion. Bus students will be dropped and collected from the front entrance gate.
CFA Visit / Mud Obstacle
Thank you so very much to all of our community members who pitched in to help organise the Mud Run. Many hands make light work, and it is because of you that we can offer these opportunities to the children.
The children were bouncing with excitement throughout the day, and it was a wonderful way to finish the year as a community. See the photos attached to the newsletter.
Stadium and Fire Protection Update
Finally after years of waiting our stadium works has started. We never thought we would see the day! The concrete slab and paths have been poured and the plumbing and electrical work has commenced. They anticipate that it will be finished in April 2025.
School Council
We have our last meeting tonight for School Council at 5pm. We will then adjourn to the Bunyip Hotel for a Xmas catch up. A big thank you to all the School Councillors and Community Members for giving up their time to attend our meetings this year. Your contribution is much appreciated. Hope to see some of our school families at the Bunyip for a well earned drink!
Presentation Night
Our Presentation Night will be held on Thursday 12th December. All students are to be at the Hall at by 6pm for a 6:15pm start. Students are to be dressed in Summer uniform please.
Senior Citizens
Our students will go down to the Cavendish SM Hall to sing some Xmas songs for the Senior Citizens on Monday 9th at 1:30. Our students have made some lovely goodies to give to our seniors on the day. Thanks to Mrs Bell and Trish Hurley for helping out with this.
Student Reports will be published on the school app on Friday 13th December. If you have any questions about your child's report, please reach out to their class teacher.
2025 DET Initiatives and Planning
At this time of year we develop our draft Annual Implementation Plan for the following year. Moving into next year we will be making a few changes to ensure that we are delivering best practice and that we are compliant with Department expectations.
Wellbeing and Learning are given equal weighting in the revised Framework for Improving Student Outcomes 2.0. The Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) initiative is aimed at building teacher capacity to utilise high impact wellbeing strategies that will support all students and staff. In 2025, all classroom teachers and education support staff will be trained and supported to include wellbeing strategies in the whole school environment, deliver the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program and collaboratively develop Positive Classroom Management Strategies in line with School Wide Positive Behaviour Support. Wellbeing Education is highly valued at Cavendish Primary School.
The Disability Inclusion Approach will be rolled out in the West South West region at the beginning of 2025. Current teaching staff have completed initial training in the approach. Amy Gray and I are to take part in a Disability Inclusion Practice Profile Meeting on Wednesday 11 December. This is the approach that all Victorian Government schools are taking to support students with a diverse range of needs to access education. It is the process through which we will apply for funding to support students. Cavendish Primary School has joined a Community of Practice with other small schools in the district to help and support one another through the initial stages.
In 2025 we will have specialist teachers delivering Music & Performing Arts and a Kitchen Garden Program. We have advertised for a LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Teacher as every school in Victoria must offer this as a subject.
Have a great weekend.
Kate Steele