Swimming Carnival
All students are to participate in the swimming carnival at the Stanhope Swimming Pool, Stanhope on Thursday 7th December. Students will travel by bus, departing the school at 9:00am and returning before home time.
Students are encouraged to wear house colours "MacKillop" (blue) or "Woods" (yellow), or the sports uniform.
Please apply sunscreen before coming to school. Students will need to bring their bathers, sunscreen, rashie or t-shirt (shoulders covered), goggles (if required), towel and a plastic bag to carry home their wet bathers. Open toe shoes are not permitted and a school hat is compulsory.
Students are to bring their lunch, snacks, fruit and their drink bottle full of water.
The cost of the excursion is included in the student levy.
Parents/Carers are most welcome to attend.
Please click on the attachment for the lunch order price list
Please be advised that the safe drop off point for students before school is using the hall car park and crossing on Hume Street. Parking on Southam Street is reserved for staff and is a no standing/bus zone.
When entering and leaving the carpark, please be mindful of other vehicles and pedestrians. In the morning we ask that parents park in the carpark and walk their child/ren across the road to the back gate.
After school the teacher on duty will walk the students to the tennis court gate. Parents can then collect their child from the fence. NO child is to walk through the car park without an adult.
We also ask that all cars are parked facing the south (bush) and that they leave via behind the school hall onto Reed St. This is to alleviate the busyness of the Hume St entrance. You are asked not to park near the tennis fence close to the entrance to the carpark as our students wait in that area.