Junior Classroom News

F/1/2 News
Transition Prep
The Transition Preps had another great session on Friday 24th November, 2023. They again enjoyed participating in Walker Learning. They have begun to form some really strong friendships with new peers. We also went outside for sport. The Transition Preps learnt some of the F/1/2 students favourite games, including Farmer Sam and What’s the time Mr Wolf.
F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 class have continued to show great learning as we draw closer to the end of the term.
In Maths we have continued learning about measurement. Last week we focused on mass and were learning about the techniques of hefting and using balance scales to compare the mass of two objects. This week we have been focusing on capacity and have been looking at which objects have a capacity and how we could measure the capacity of a container.
In English, the students are continuing to work on identifying the Author’s Purpose in a text. The students are learning about the three main purposes of “to inform”, “to persuade” or to “entertain”. Their ability to identify the author’s purpose has greatly improved. This week we are narrowing our focus into persuasive pieces and are focusing on the features of a persuasive piece of writing.
In Religion, we have turned our focus to Advent. The students are learning about the importance of Advent and how it fits in with the Liturgical Calendar.
3/4 News
This fortnight has been one of our busiest yet! We enjoyed a visit from Lucy’s mum Amanda who taught us about diabetes, particularly what diabetes is and how to count carbs. Thank you Amanda for your wonderful lesson!
We enjoyed a visit from Hunters new puppy Dexter, everyone adored patting him.
The grade 3/4 elf’s were busy early Friday morning decorating the amphitheatre for our Christmas performance.
We all enjoyed our time at the concert, we practiced a lot… well done everyone on bringing good energy, especially in our song ‘all I want for Christmas is you!”