Compass & Duke of Ed 

Clare Rayner

Compass & Duke of Ed Awards Celebration Afternoon

Our congratulations went to many students  as they were recently presented with their Awards. All have worked extremely hard throughout the year. They have embraced the challenges of this Youth Development Program and continued to build their skills, passion and determination to achieve their goals.


Over 30 students gained their Awards across all year levels throughout the school; a fantastic achievement.


Silver and Gold 4 Day Exploration

Our Duke of Ed students completed a demanding four day hike around parts of the High Country.    “It feels like we are on top of the world!” one student said as we reached our summit each day. The views were stunning and gave the much needed reward for the hard work, both physically and mentally, that the students had to put in. They completed over 45kms across the four day experience, climbing steep terrain to reach Mt Timbertop, Little Mt Buller, Mt Buller and Mt Stirling. The students managed their equipment, food/ meals and navigation throughout the experience. They certainly achieved their goals and continuously demonstrated their strength and determination. Not once did I hear any complaints, they just appreciated being out in the outdoors along with the sense of physical challenge.    Great job to all!