Sports News

Grade 5/6 Summer Gala Day

On Thursday, 30th November our grade 5/6’s took part in the first ever interschool sports gala day. Our cricket, tchoukball, rounders and newcomb participants played at Edinburgh Gardens, whilst our basketballers ventured off to the State and Hockey Netball Centre. 


Our students played 5-6 games and did our school proud both on and off the field with their behaviours and actions. 


Our tchoukball division 1 team took out the grand final 16-10, whilst FN2 finished 4th. 2 out of the 4 newcomb teams took home the flag. FN1 dominated 6-0 in the division 1 grand final and in division 2, FN 3 won a close one by 2 points.


Basketball was also very successful with our girls team taking out the title, FN 3 defeating FN 2 in the grand final in division 2 and FN1 finishing in a very respectable 3rd spot.


The rounders and cricket teams put in a mighty effort and both finished in 3rd position.


Congratulations to all our participants on a fantastic Gala Day and thanks to all the teachers for coaching and training over the last few weeks and for all the parents who came and supported the kids.


A special shoutout to the parents who helped out on the day or have been helping in the lead up practice matches:


Nicole and Sabina in newcomb, Anthony in tchoukball and Pale and Meagan who have been fantastic assistants each week walking to Carlton North for basketball.



From the Grade 5s

Tchoukball Gala day

On the 30th of November, there was a gala day and the senior school competed against different schools. The tchoukball squad had a successful time winning the grand final and having a great time doing it. We all really enjoyed it, playing some challenging competitors and meeting new people. Overall, it was an amazing experience and we can’t wait for next year's gala day. By Lizzy E


Rounders Report

On the 30th of November, we all had a wonderful day, full of fun, in the 

grade-five rounders team. We won every single game except for one unlucky match but we came third and made it to the semi-finals. We battled it out to the end. I think we should all be thankful for Kathleen and her great umpiring skills, she could be tough at times but she would always stay true to the rules. We had some kids get hurt but it did not stop them from cheering on the sidelines. I also thank all the other schools, teachers and students for participating in Gala Day. By Frankie T



Gala day was on Thursday the 31st of November. I played in Newcomb, which is a sport a bit like volleyball except you can catch the ball. My team played a total of 6 matches, including the grand final. Everyone played so well and I was able to see some familiar faces from the other schools. Both team 1 and team 3 got into the finals against Carlton North primary school, and both teams won their matches. My team (team 1) ended up winning all of our matches and barely winning the final, only by a couple of points. Overall it was an amazing experience, as everyone from both our school and other schools were  friendly and good sports

-Jasmine F

Bike Ed

For the past 3 weeks, our students from grades 3-6 have been participating in the Bicycle Education program for PE. Students have looked at bike parts and roles they play, road safety, riding protocols when riding as a group and road riding.


We had a mixed bag of weather throughout, rain, sun, wind and more rain. The students did a fantastic job throughout, with many students showing great improvement over the 3 weeks. 


I couldn’t have done without the parent volunteers who came and rode around the streets, to Princess Park and the Merri Creek trail. Thankyou so much to those parents and to the parents who even volunteered as back ups for other classes.