Principal's Report

 - Tania Sorbello

Wow! What a busy term this one has been. From taking out the title of State Debating Champions, to outstanding performances by our Years 5/6 students at our recent Interschool Sports Gala Day, to attending the local Aged Care Facility to share the joy of song and music with the residents and everything in between, the children and their teachers have managed to pack a whole lot in to the final term of 2023. And there is just over a week to go.

Stage 1A Handover

Finally!! We made it! This week saw us mark a significant milestone in our Capital Works project with the handover of 7 new classrooms. The children and their teachers were incredibly excited to be in their new classrooms and to be a part of this new stage in FNPS’ journey.


I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the army of volunteers that assisted on the day of the move and those that came along on opening morning, both to decorate the spaces for the children, and to be a part of our school’s ‘grand opening’ moment. A very special thank you to Toby, Melissa, Suzy, Dale and Duncan who rode the highs and lows of this journey and have spent extensive, painstaking hours in meetings and supporting the school to get to this point.


Stage 1B (front office and additional classrooms) is expected to be complete by the beginning of next year, with Stage 2 expected to be handed over in March – April 2024.

Welcoming Peter Daicos

We were very fortunate this week to have a very special alumni visit FNPS. Collingwood Legend, Peter Daicos, who attended FNPS back in the 1970’s came along to speak with our outgoing Year 6 cohort. He spoke with the children about hard work, dedication and the need for tenacity and grit if we want to achieve our dreams. The children were a little starstruck and in awe, you could have heard a pin drop whilst he was speaking. Peter was incredibly generous with his time and stayed much longer than we expected, signing autographs and having photographs with the children (and adults!).


A huge thank you to Mauritz Pasquale for arranging for Peter’s attendance. We are incredibly grateful to have been able to allow the children to have such an AFL legend share his insights with the group.


End of Year Picnic

Last night, it was wonderful to come together as a community to celebrate the end of 2023 with our End of Year Picnic. The children presented a range of musical performances to their families participated is some great games organised by our outstanding Community and Engagement Committee members.


We are incredibly grateful to all of the volunteers who helped out on the night and, in particular, to Nicole Marson and Andrea Tonkin who dedicated so much energy and time into organising not only the event itself, but also the games and activities to keep the children entertained.

Looking at the next couple of weeks…

Tuesday 12 December – Year 6 – 7 Statewide Transition Day


Friday 15 December – Curriculum Day – Teachers will spend this day planning in their 2024 teams.


Friday 15 December – Semester 2 Reports Published 4pm


Monday 18 December – 2024 Step-Up Day. Children will spend two sessions during the middle of the day moving into their new class groups and meeting their 2024 teacher. On this day, children will be provided with a copy of their class list to bring home. 


Wednesday 20 December - last day of Term for teachers and students. 1.30pm dismissal.


Have a relaxing weekend, everyone! I hope you’re further ahead in your holiday preparations than I am…                     

Go gently,
