Important Dates and Information

All events can be found in the Compass Calendar


Monday 11th - Life Saving Excursion Grade 5/6a

Monday 11th - Moving Day - 3.30pm - 5.00pm

Tuesday 12th - Life Saving Excursion Grade 3/4

Wednesday 13th - CONNECT Program Information Session 5.30pm

Thursday 14th - Grade 6 Graduation

Friday 15th - Curriculum Day

Monday 18th - Step Up Day

Wednesday 20th - Last Day of Term 4 - 1.30pm dismissal- no lunch orders. Aftercare offering care from 1.30pm

Lunch Orders now every day

We are pleased to announce that lunch orders will be available to order every day during Term 4. Orders need to be in by 9.00am sharp and sushi needs to be ordered the day prior.

Archived Newsletters

Did you know all newsletters dating back to Term One 2021 can be found on our website. If you missed something in a previous newsletter or are looking for something in particular they can be found here.

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