Student Writing

Two pieces of writing from 3/4PR:



The stretch of stars sparkled to infinity. A warm, radiant glow of purple light exploded from the earth as a satellite whizzed around the planet, snapping pictures every second. 


For the one-millionth time, I thought how lucky I was to be here: soaring around in a big rocket and making new discoveries. I loved gazing in wonder at the charming stars and Saturn’s elegant rings, draped around its circular body - a gown of shimmering gold. 


As I soared around the universe spying black holes and milky ways, I marvelled at the wonder and adventure of space. I would never forget the stars that winked as I passed; I would always remember the thrill of watching new planets wave by, showing off their unique elements.


When I had landed safely back on Earth and night began to fall, the crescent-shaped moon popped up to say ‘hello.’ The moon - a silver claw in the night sky. Even though Earth was a beautiful place to live, space was amazing too.



By Hillary Yuan




Radiant glow,

shines bright; glistening.

Out in space,

where no one is listening.


A starry night sky,

looks down on you.

When your mind,

is feeling blue.


Clouds are barely visible,

when looked at from afar.

The blue and purple hues,

contrast with the stars.


White specks of light,

are scattered all around.

Not a singular face,

is yet to be found.


A make believe sight,

only few have seen.

Being out in space,

is a wonderful dream.


By Layla Morgan