Sports News

Years 2-6 Swimming Carnival

Revesby pool buzzed with energy as students and teachers gathered for a day of spirited competition and fun. From the moment the starting whistle blew, the pool became a kaleidoscope of skill, determination, and sheer joy. Swimmers, adorned in their vibrant team colours and showcased their skills in a medley of races and activities. 


We would like to thank the teachers for their hard work and dedication to their students and the parents, grandparents and friends who came and supported on the day. A huge congratulations goes out to the following students who received their ribbons on the day:


 Girls Boys 
100m Olivia Xie 

1st Jameson Gregory-Gaughan 

2nd Kaden Hawke 

50m freestyle 8 years 1st Harper Choker 1st Zion Lokeni 
50m freestyle 9 years 

1st Mia Lin

2nd Tia Lin 

3rd Ava Fung-Anh 

1st Jeremy Cao 

2nd Zenji Parry 

3rd James Claridge 

50m freestyle 10 years 

1st Jed O'Mara 

2nd Lachlan Fung-Anh 

3rd Cooper Hawke 

50m freestyle 11 years

1st Olivia Xie 

2nd Lara Ilov

3rd Nevaeh Lokeni 

1st Jameson Gregory-Gaughan 

2nd Kaden Hawke 

3rd Justin Zhou 

50m freestyle 12 years1st Willow Parry 

1st Murphy Byford 

2nd Dylan Harris 

50m Backstroke Junior 

1st Mia Lin

2nd Ava Fung-Anh Tia Lin 

3rd Tia Lin

1st Zion Lokeni 

2nd Cooper Hawke 

3rd Jed O'Mara 

50m Backstroke 11years 

1st Olivia Xie 

2nd Nevaeh Lokeni 

1st Jameson Gregory-Gaughan 

2nd Jeremy Shen 

3rd Kaden Hawke 

50m Backstroke 12 years  

1st Abbey O'Mara 

2nd Willow Parry 

1st Murphy Byford 

2nd Dylan Harris 

50m Breaststroke  Junior 

1st Mia Lin

2nd Ava Fung-Anh Tia Lin 

3rd Tia Lin

1st Jed O'Mara 

2nd Lachlan Fung Anh 

3rd James Claridge 

50m Breaststroke 11years 

1st Olivia Xie 

2nd Christine Pennas 

3rd Jamimah Beale 

1st Jameson Gregory-Gaughan 

2nd Jeremy Shen 

3rd Eric Kwong 

50m Breaststroke 12 years  

1st Abbey O'Mara 

2nd Willow Parry 

1st Murphy Byford 

2nd Dylan Harris 

50m Butterfly Junior1st Ava Fung-Anh 1st Jed O'Mara
50m Butterfly 11 years  

1st Olivia Xie 

2nd Nevaeh Lokeni 

1st Jameson Gregory-Gaughan 

2nd Kaden Hawke 

50m Butterfly 12 years   

1st Murphy Byford 

2nd Dylan Harris 

Individual medley  1st Jameson Gregory-Gaughan 

Inter house Soccer Challenge

This term, the leaders have been hosting a soccer tournament for Stage 2 and 3.

They had been grouped in their house colours and competed to find the best soccer team. Overall, the Waratah juniors and the Bluegum seniors took the victory, both of these teams advanced to the game against the teachers!


In the Teachers V Stage 2 Finalists game (Waratah Juniors), the students played really well, showing excellent skill but unfortunately they couldn’t match the teachers. In the end teachers scored four goals to the students, one. 


The Teachers V Stage 3 finalists game  was even crazier. For the entirety of the game it was a close contest. Multiple attempts were made and yet, no shots managed to get through either of the goalkeepers. Many kicks flew around though in the end, no goals were scored so we had to resort to a penalty shootout. The teachers unfortunately missed but the students made the shot, making them the winners of the game.


At the end of the day, everyone had fun and it was very successful! Thanks leaders!