P & C News



DATE: Monday 27th November 2023




ATTENDEES: Sarah M, Kylie C, Siobhan B, Enas R, Cecilia M, Hayaat C, Karen G, Jinru S, Karla W, Allisse S, Joyce Y


APOLOGIES: Andrea M, Jennifer H


PREVIOUS MINUTES: Emailed and accepted by the committee.


CORRESPONDENCE: October Westpac account statement; advertising pamphlets for Harlequin school bags, Cadbury fundraising, Australian Fundraising specialists; P&C Federation NSW Term 4 journal; Email: no significant mail.



PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Presented by Karla


Renovations and Repairs

- Roof renovations and repairs taking place across the school; the entire C block rooms will be carpeted.

- Junior toilets will be completely renovated over holidays too, with new tiling for walls; senior toilets will also be updated. As a result, there will be No Share Our Space initiative over holidays due to renovations.


2024 Class Organisations

- Classes are full (6 positions available for Stage 3, 6 positions for stage 2 if needed).

- Drop in ~ 40 children overall; 19 classes down to 16 classes. Have managed to avoid any forced staff transfers.

- There will be a mix of straight and composite classes: Years 3-6 will all be composite; Kindy will be mostly straight classes, with a K/1 composite. Straight Yr 1 and Yr 2 classes.

- There will be no PEG classes on their own due to overall drop in school numbers. As per Department policy, high performing students will continue to be catered for in regular classrooms through selective grouping. When grouping students in classes together, staff will also consider individual student personalities and which students work optimally together.

- 4 support unit classes currently: 2 autism classes and 2 IO classes. Demand for AU classes is high; most students have dual diagnoses. Plan is to have one straight IO class; two composite IO/AU class; and 1 straight AU classes (teacher: student ratio for AU class 1:7 vs 1:10 for IO class). Will send form out to the school community for feedback.


High Schools

- GRC high schools will all become co-ed.

- Beverly Hills Girls High School will remain girls only. James Cook Boys Technology High School will remain boys only.


Stage 3 Camp

- School is mindful of not wanting to impose additional financial burden on families.

- Overall feedback from committee and parents is to keep camp for both yrs 5 and 6; parents and students have affirmed that camp offers a wonderful experience for students and helps enrich the Stage 3 experience.

- Suggestion raised to perhaps have more fundraisers to help fund camp, in particular external fundraisers that are community-centred.

- Further suggestion to make financial support more accessible; enhance awareness that it exists and is available to help families who need it.


Annual School Report (presented by Allisse)

- Transition for high school was held in week 7; students performed roll call and followed a timetable with different subjects - English, Maths, cooking, sewing, ceramics. Successful overall and good feedback from students.

- Sally’s farewell assembly will be held on 8 December; Sarah will attend on behalf of the P&C.

- Principal selection process will occur early next year; it will be a merit-based selection. Selection panel will comprise a member from P&C, community, Education Department. Karla will be acting principal in the meantime.


Fun Day

- Raised $3000 for Yr 6 Farewell.





- Good feedback overall.

- This year’s sales numbered ~200 (down from last year’s ~300 sales). More sales from BBQ this year comparatively.

- Estimated profit: ~ $1400 minus sausage cost; net profit should be over $1000. Ordered around 200 sausages; around 50 left-over. BBQ was located near Attunga due

to safety protocols around the hall; will consider setting up a BBQ in a higher-visibility location for next year.

- Issue with freezing Zooper Doopers (note to freeze earlier than 3 days in advance).



- Xmas raffle plans - committee agreed not to proceed with raffle this year as it is too close to end of year and there have already been a number of recent fundraisers.

- Only time-sensitive prize is Raging Waters pass - committee have agreed to use time-sensitive gifts as prizes for Talent Quest and use the remainder for Easter Raffle next year.



- Sally’s farewell: committee have agreed on a bouquet of flowers as a gift; have set a budget of $120.

- Teacher’s gifts: query about whether a class can get a combined gift (due to Education Department policy that gifts over $50 are reportable). Answer is yes - as long as the cost is not more than $50/ child.



TREASURER’S REPORT: Prepared by Jennifer





Tea-towels Fundraiser

- Total profit of just over $1000. Excellent feedback from committee and parents overall - thank you to Kylie for her wonderful organising of the whole initiative and all her efforts!



- Some issues with parents not receiving notifications in a timely manner.

- School may possibly transition to Parent Sentral Portal next year; classes will still have direct messaging through Class Dojo

- Emails from school: from now on, parents will receive permission notes through email, but school will still send information sheets of events/excursions to parents.

- Payments will continue to be conducted through School Bytes.


Swimming Carnival

- Next year, the swimming carnival will include 50m competitive and 25m non-competitive races so more kids can participate. This will provide an inclusive experience and give kids more opportunities to swim, as school is conscious that there are kids who can swim (but may find 50m too strenuous).