Safety & First Aid News 

Road Safety reminder to all families - a'near miss' at Kiss and Go 

We have recently experienced a ‘near miss’ when a student chased a basketball onto the Kiss and Go road.  It is a timely reminder for a road safety message be discussed at home, including:

  • holding balls still eg. basketball, tennis ball etc… when near a road ie. no bouncing
  • consider walking bikes and scooters when the path is busy with pedestrians
  • when on bikes or scooters, not to ‘cut corners’ of the path, to avoid pedestrians, therefore riding partially on the road

Your child/ren are the most precious humans.

PLEASE help us instil a sense of safety and care around roads.

City of Casey - Safe Around Schools

With the safety of our most precious people in mind, and the importance of being able deliver them to, and collect them from school safely each day, please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the City of Casey Safe Around Schools information flyer.

Dear parents and carers

There is at present an increase in community transmission of COVID-19 in Victoria.

You can help us keep our school as safe as possible by taking 2 important steps:

1. Ensure your COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date. Information on how and where to get vaccinated is available on the Get vaccinated webpage.

2. If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, please ensure they stay home and get tested. The easiest way to test is to use a rapid antigen test (RAT).  We have RATs available at our school for collection.  Free RATs are also available from your local council where you can collect 2 packs of 5 RATs and an extra 2 packs for each person in your household. People with disability and their carers can get 4 packs of 5 RATs. You are not required to have a Medicare card and you can collect RATs as many times as you need. You can also buy RATs at supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers.

If your child has symptoms but tests negative, please ensure they stay home until they no longer have symptoms.

If the RAT test result is positive, please ensure they say home for at least 5 days and until there are no more symptoms.

Thank you for your support – these steps will help us all stay well.