Specialist News

Physical Education

Student Leadership

With the year drawing to a close I just wanted to say a big thankyou to all our year 6 leaders.

In particular the Specialist Leaders and House Captains with whom I have worked closely with. Your dedication to your role and the way in which you have set the tone for your peers has been a pleasure to witness.

I have no doubt that many of you will continue on your leadership journeys into Secondary school.


STOMP performances

It was so great to see the students shine on the hardcourt space during their Stomp performances at the Fiesta. The program has allowed students to showcase their creativity and for many step out of their comfort zone. The feedback from staff, students and families has been positive. A big thankyou to Mikayla from STOMP for being so engaging with her teaching. 

Social Wellbeing


The Foundation Students have finished looking at the road to regulation, discussing their emotions and the journey they take us on. They have now begun talking about foods, and which foods are eat sometimes foods and which foods are eat often foods.


Junior and Middle School

The years 1-4 have been looking at Stop, think, Do! Which is  a process in which first the students learn how to Stop when they feel the body signals of the red Zone, don't react but look, listen and identify what the problem is. Then to think, consider the possible solutions to their problems and what the consequence of their choice will be. This is a good point to pause and take some deep breaths to clear our minds. then we can do, which is to choose the best solution and act on it.

Senior School

The year 5 and 6 students have been talking about healthy food choices and looking at food labels on packaging. They've been reading the different labels and deciding what is a healthier option, while also considering health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. 

Environmental Studies

Students have come such a long way in the kitchen, their knife skills and confidence have grown throughout the year and it has been a pleasure to watch. We definatley have some budding chefs in our midst.

As we move into summer we have been lucky to receive a harvest of cherries, these were shared throughout the school and for some students it was their first time tasting one. There were lots of requests for more! 

Bushwalks and natural resources have been the highlight of the last three weeks in Nature Play. The students enjoy thier excursions to Sonny's where something interseting is always afoot.  the Yr 2 students were trying to create paint with natural materials and most were very successful and decided to paint funny moustaches!

Artistic Flair

Wow!! What a magnificent turn out we had at the Fiesta! I am so proud of the students for all their hard work, especially over the last few weeks in finishing their artworks to such a high standard. 

Thankyou so much to the staff, PFA and parents who volunteered their valuable time to frame the students work, help set up the Art Show and hang approximately 1,200 pieces of art! From a relatively small school this was a HUGE effort. 


Glow Garden

The Glow Garden was a huge success with students excitedly showing their parents and guests all of their glowing artwork. They also spent some time checking out their bright socks and flouro show laces under the back light! The tradie dads and extended families were also a hit wearing their fluoro workwear.



Foundation students spent 4 sessions creating their glowing flower gardens and symmetrical butterfly prints. 

In the Art show you would have seen the Owls painted with forks, pastel rubbings, Modrian inspired geometric mixed media artwork, Very Hungry Caterpillars and 3D clay scultptures.

Year 1/2

In the Glow Garden you will have seen the slugs with silly shells and the Doodlebugs on a leaf.

In the Art Show you will have seen the Indigenous paintings about their families complete with symbolic imagery representing the members of their family, peg dragonflies and the Modrian inspired Australian animal paintings.

Year 3/4

You would have found the Year 3 Four Seasons Trees and fluoro spider webs hanging from the tree and the year 4 pastel leaves, paper clay flowers and leaf prints.

In The Art show you would have found the Modrian inspired Australian Animals, spider webs, yarning sticks, xray art and chalk pastel bubbles.

Year 5/6

The glow gnomes were a huge favourite for all the students across the school. Many families and students were also very impressed with the Pete Cromer inspired animals/birds.

In the Art Show the string drag paintings made a bold statement and the human figure sculptures (affectionately nicknamed zombies) created a lot if interest. 

CSPS Staff Painted Pots

The bidding war was alive and well for these magnificient, hand painted, one of a kind pot plants. Congratulations to all the winners! We have made enough money to purchase a tongue drum to add to our musical instruments. Thanks to Mrs Doughty for her kind donation of all the succulents!