Education News


We have had a very busy time in Year One and Two this term. Lots of learning has been happening! In phonics we have continued working our way through the extended phonics code. In reading comprehension we have been looking at different authors and most recently we have been looking at wordless books. In maths we have been learning all about proportional reasoning or fractions. We have also been dong revision of place value and our additive thinking strategies. In guided inquiry we have been looking at designing marbles runs. Throughout the term we have looked at push and pull forces, angles of ramps and different toys that have moving parts.

Little Angler Kits

Please see below information about the Little Angler Kits for Year 5 students from Fisheries Victoria.  

These kits will be sent home Thursday, 7 December. Please note that the tackle tray includes fishing hooks. The tackle tray will be wrapped in cardboard and placed inside a pocket inside the fishing kit bag, which will be sealed with a cable tie to discourage students from opening their kits until they are with a parent or carer.

Students will be told to not open the kits until they are safely at home with a parent or carer. Parents and carers can choose to opt out of receiving a kit or request for an adult to pick the kit up from school by notifying the school via the school email address

We want more kids to catch a new hobby - fishing - because it’s a healthy and active pastime that gets them into the great outdoors and experiencing nature with friends and family.

To make that happen the State Government committed $1.5m to provide 60,000 Little Angler Kits to grade five primary school students. It has since boosted that commitment and ordered 95,000 to ensure nobody misses out.

All primary aged students in specialist schools will receive a Little Angler Kit, irrespective of their age.

The kits include a fishing rod, reel with line, tackle box with some hooks, sinkers, swivels and a lure, as well as a Kids Guide to Fishing – all FREE!

We've also created a kid-friendly web hub with lots of useful information and videos.

Visit our FAQs page for parents or schools for more information regarding the Little Angler initiative:

If you would like any additional information or to talk to someone about the Little Angler initiative, email