Attendance Matters 

Using our 5 P's to complete the final term of 2023

With 2.5 weeks of school remaining in Term 4, we encourage our school community to use our 5's to see out the 2023 school year.


PURPOSE -  I am here.  I want to teach, I want to learn & I want to be with the Cranbourne South school community today.


POSITIVITY - I look on the bright side.  I STILL have 2.5 weeks to be able to spend with the Cranbourne South school community.


PERSISTENCE - I am determined.  Yes I am tired, but there are people who I would like to see today and who would like to see me.


PRIDE - I stand tall.  I am proud to be a part of the Cranbourne South school community.


PASSION - I strive to achieve.  There are many things to teach and learn between now and Wednesday, 20 December 2023.


We look forward to spending the remainder of the 2023 school year with you.