Principal Class News

COMPASS Calendar of Events

Principal class Christmas message

Each year, we like to take a moment to reflect and give thanks to those around us.  Our family and friends know that we live and breath work.  We unapologetically work long hours, dedicating our time to ensure the school of which we lead is in the best hands possible.  We love to witness small and unobtrusive learning moments as well as large growth and development. This is not just in our students, but withinour staff and leadership team aswell.  We cannot tell you how proud we are of these incredible humans each and every day.


[From Mrs Corcoran].  My late Grandmother used to say that the messages I write in a Christmas card are like I work for 'Hallmark'. For the youngsters, this won't mean much, but to us 'oldies', we get it. 


So here is my Hallmark moment:

Christmas is an oxymoron.  It is by far the busiest time of year,  where you are pulled in several different directions all at one time.  You are frantically ensuring that everyone and everything is considered, often above your own needs.  You are busy pleasing everyone except yourself.  So.... may the festive season be like a warm hug.  A soothing moment to feel understood, appreciated and most importantly loved.  A moment that you truly take pause, breath and look around you.  Stop... listen... You are surrounded by love.  May this love merge into the new year and be a constant reminder of what it means to be human.  To give and receive love.  


We hope that your 2023 Christmas is spent singing loud and proud CSPS!!!

Merry Christmas.  

Monique and Karen

Hello All,

I just wanted to take the time to send through an email. I remember at the start of the year I had written about my concerns for my child and the fact he didn’t want to go to school.


I thought it was important to put into words how this year has been for my child.


Although we continuously work with my child on making better choices, trying to help him regulate some of his big emotions, I watch my boy get ready every day for school and excited to share with me what the plans are for the day. This has been a complete turn around from the fighting and arguing trying to get him motivated to go to school at the start of 2023.


I would like to express my thanks for creating an environment for my child where he feels safe, safe to be himself in all his personality. I would like to make a special thanks to his teacher for giving him the time to understand him, for teaching him to take pride, for teaching him about kindness and backing him 100% even on those difficult days, to know he had your support, it means a lot to my child and also our family.


I often get emotional when I think about it. The goals this year were for my child to enjoy going to school and to be respectful.  Next year is a new year and we will have a think of new goals for my child to achieve but I am so proud of the things he has done this year. Thank you 😊


And the winners are..... ?

Thankyou to those who bid on the teacher pots at silent auction.  

A COMPASS email was sent to the successful bidders.  Payment can be made via QKR.  QKR > Select Students > Other and then enter the amount. 

Please see below for the successful bidders. We cannot wait to use the funds raised to purchase new musical instruments!  

Thank you again!

1Harley 2b$2
2Tom W 4a$5
3Tom W 4a$5
4Tom W 4a$5
5Darryn (Mrs Danger)$27
6Nate P 56b$45
7Emma H 3a$10
8Zowi fb$5
9Maverick J fa$20
10Sarah (Isabelle 3b)$30
11Miranda H.$4
12Tom W 4a$5
13Oscar W 56c$10
14Sam C 1b$25
15Indi H 56a$10
16Tess H ib$10
17Lachlan S 1a$35
18Miranda (Sienna)$8
19Maverick J Fa$12
20Violet 4a$2
21Sophie D 1a$25
22Willem 56b$50
23Gracie H 56b$12
24Quil Fb$30
25Tom W 4a$5
26Gracie H 56b$10
27Mikayla F 4a$15.50
28Charlie G 56c$10
29Gracie H 56b$10
30Maverick J fa$17
31Zowi fb$5
32Mrs Sharon J.$15
33Nate P 56b$45
34Narelle (Zowi Fb)$5

We have a number of new teachers coming to CSPS in 2024.  Below are the names; classroom location to be announced Tuesday 12th December:

  • Danielle Ackland (currently at Brentwood Park PS)
  • Johanna Allerton (currently at Glendal PS)
  • Chloe Eggleston (currently at Red Hill Consolidated PS)
  • Melissa Henwood (currently at Mornington PS)
  • Tessa Horkings (currently at Barton PS)
  • Joseph Meade (currently at Harrisfield PS)
  • Aimee Scanlan (currently at Glen Waverley PS)
  • Mark Wade (new Graduate)
  • Shauna Watkinson (currently at Pakenham Hills PS)

With sadness we farewell to the following staff who are embarking on new adventures in 2024. We wish them much good fortune and joy in their next journey:

  • Mrs Sharon Jackson - Year 5/6b teacher
  • Mr Michael Toovey - Year 4a teacher

The following staff are having a baby in the new year:

  • Mrs Monique Bryden - Fb teacher 
  • Mrs Tegan Janusaitus - 4b teacher

Note:  Miss Katelyn Watkins will be at CSPS for ~Term 1, 2024, and then she will head off to have her baby too :)


Kathy Goodwin has been at Cranbourne South Primary School since 2000 and has announced her retirement from the end of 2023.


Kathy Goodwin began her journey at Cranbourne South as Mrs Huddle and features in many past students memories.  For a significant amount of time, Kathy was the key Middle School teacher and the leader of the subschool.  There are many stories that can be told about school sleepovers, camps and school events. Throughout her time at CSPS, Kathy led many programs, such as English and other teams. She has been instrumental when introducing many key programs.  Her door was always open to students, staff and families and she embraced and enriched every student who walked into her classroom.


Kathy, your expertise, kind deeds, and tenderness to us have left an indelible mark on our hearts that no one can ever remove. We wish you the very best in life on behalf of the entire CSPS community past and present. We appreciate you taking on so many different jobs at once and being the best mentor, friend, and teacher. Good luck in the future.