We are here for the community

School Council met on Wednesday 15th November 2023 on site.  Some notables discussion points include: 

  • Student presentation from School Community Council student leaders
  • Workforce planning update
  • 2023 School Council Self-Assessment Tool survey results and 2024 focus
  • Privacy Impact Assessments for online apps
  • Staff Professional Development update
  • Parent Payment Policy and subsequent forms
  • Buildings and Grounds updates including upcoming bike shed, flexi paving and shade sails

2023 School Council Self-Assessment 

School Council completes a self assessment every year.   The area for future consideration and work in 2024 is 'Community Engagement', particularly:

  • School Council will know and engage with the school’s community to build productive relationships.
  • School Council will productively lead consultation with the communitythrough meetings, surveys and informally.

School Council looks forward to raising school community understanding of what School Council entails and how we can further build connections with the school community.  

All feedback or input is kindly received.

The Personal Property Policy was recently ratified by School Council. 

Important updates of the policy include the BYOD/E (Bring Your Own Device/Equipment) eg. headphones.  

Students are responsible for such items they bring to school and/or purchased through the annual Book List/Stationery items.  Neither the Department nor the school is responsible if any student’s personal item/property is lost, stolen or damaged.