Learning News

Learning News - Week 9

It’s time to celebrate!  

These words may be all too familiar to you if your child has been bursting into song over the last few weeks with the catchy lyrics of the Christmas carol “It’s Time To Celebrate” that St Michael’s performed with the Central School at the Community Christmas Carols.

And it is. It’s not only time to celebrate the impending birth of Jesus, but a chance to reflect on all of your child’s achievements over the past year, and I’m sure there have been many.  Your child may have learned how to read, or tie their shoelaces, or come to school with a smile on their face and no tears for the first time. Or perhaps they’ve conquered the tricky 9 times tables, learnt a new mental maths strategy or honed their technical skills using Chromebooks. Or maybe they have made a new friend, helped an old friend or played a different game on the playground for the first time.  These and so many more, are all significant milestones in the growth of our students and deserve to be celebrated.  So when reading through your reports, don’t forget to celebrate how far your child has progressed over the year in so many different ways.  We are certainly very proud of their accomplishments.

Have a safe, happy and holy Christmas and enjoy your well-earned holidays.

Yours in learning,


Cathy Shepherd

Assistant Principal/LoP



What a wonderful year Kindergarten has had in the classroom! We have had many enjoyable times together including our Teddy Bears Picnic, the Colour run, Dress up days, Singing and excursions. As the end of the year approaches, Kindergarten took some time to reflect on their favourite part of the school year. Kindergarten shared some fabulous ideas together including visiting the church, science lessons, playing football, Basketball and everyday fun learning as a class. 


We have also enjoyed celebrating and learning about the Christmas story. Charlie and her family treated us to a traditional Norwegian Christmas treat! What a delicious way to end our year. 

Thank you for a wonderful year of learning together, Kindergarten! I would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and a safe, enjoyable holiday.

Miss Fraser

Year 1

Year 1 2023- the year that was! This week Year 1 students were asked to think of their favourite things they did this year. To quickly summarise they enjoyed:

  • Excursions to Tamworth
  • Seeing different animals 
  • Making fun food for procedures
  • The colour run
  • Dress up days
  • Playing with friends
  • Planting veggies in the vegetable garden
  • Sports clinics
  • Meeting Mrs Russell the Prac teacher
  • Art with Mrs Shep
  • Singing in the choir
  • NAIDOC Day

And so many more! 

Thank you for a fun filled year Year 1! Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe and joyful holiday! 

Miss Myers 

Oliver Maughan
Alex Pettit
Will Smith
Oliver Maughan
Alex Pettit
Will Smith

Year 2/3

This week, Year 2/3 made an exciting journey out to the dairy owned by the Coombes family. The excursion was part of our Food and Fibre unit where we have been investigating how the foods we find on our store shelves are produced and transported. During the excursion we were given a tour and witnessed the first part of the milking. The students were very interested and had lots of questions to ask. What a fantastic day we had! 

Mr Beaumont.

Year 4

This week Year 4 have been recapping the exciting things we have done this year. We asked the students to write a recount about the things we have done and the parts they enjoyed the most. It has been a pleasure to teach Year 4! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Mrs Gall and Miss Maunder

Year 5/6 

The end of Term 4 has been very busy for us all in Stage 3! Year 5 were welcoming and bonding with their 2024 Kinder buddies at 3 transition days and preparing and beautifully presenting their captain speeches. Year 6 celebrated the end of their primary schooling with a fun day - bowling, arcade games and lunch, followed by an afternoon at the pool to cool down, as well as a lovely Graduation Mass, followed by a beautiful dinner at Manilla Golf Club. All of Stage 3 came together to do one final performance at our School Awards Presentation night and be recognised for their wonderful achievements this year. What an incredible year it has been together, making memories to last a lifetime!  

Miss Summerell & Miss Rasche