Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last night we gathered to celebrate a wonderful year of learning and activities at St Michael's School. Thankyou to the staff who made this night possible and to the parents, carers and extended family and friends who attended to support the children. Every child received an award to recognise their personal contribution to learning and school life throughout the year. Congratulations to all our students, Kindergarten through to Year 6 for a year well done!

Academic Excellence in English: Max Coombes, Maisy Armytage, Gwyneth Kelly, Alice Coombes, Eloise Trotter, Susan Davidson and Nicholas Gallagher;

Academic Excellence in Mathematics: Cameron Burge, Clancy Burrows, Alice Coker, Lillian Squire, Jasper Lendon, Molly Gallagher and Connor Mitchell;

Commitment to Learning: Charlie Berridge, Poppy Long, Joseph Sullivan, Pippa Duff, Adelaide Coleman, Daisy Coleman and Ruby Kenafick;

Christian Excellence: Max Hyles, Mikayla Squire, Frank Coleman, Georgia Abra, Josie Duff, Chelsea Holden and Sarah Northey;

Academic Excellence DUX: Connor Mitchell;

Sportsperson(s) of the Year: Jack Kenafick, Josie Duff, Nulla Gillon, Daisy Coleman, Connor Mitchell and Ruby Kenafick.


Jereme Doust Memorial Award: Max Hyles;

Cathy Vincent Memorial Award: Chelsea Holden;

Father Melville Memorial Award: Eloise Trotter;

Chad Memorial: Susan Davidson;

Manilla RSL Sub Branch Bursary: Sarah Northey;

Manilla Services Club Bursary: Farrer Burke;

Citizenship: Sarah Northey;

St Vincent DePaul Award: Pauline Fleming.

Academic Excellence DUX
Cathy Vincent Memorial Award
Father Melville Memorial Award
Chad Memorial
Manilla RSL Sub Branch Bursary
Manilla Services Club Bursary
St Vincent DePaul Award
CWA Margaret Hayward Grant
Academic Excellence DUX
Cathy Vincent Memorial Award
Father Melville Memorial Award
Chad Memorial
Manilla RSL Sub Branch Bursary
Manilla Services Club Bursary
St Vincent DePaul Award
CWA Margaret Hayward Grant

Year 6 Graduation

On Tuesday night we enjoyed a wonderful celebration to farewell our Year 6 class of 2023. We had a beautiful Mass with family members followed by a celebration dinner at the Manilla Golf Club. Congratulations to the following students who have now completed their Primary School years - Sarah Northey, Ruby Kenafick, Nicholas Gallagher, Eli Hansaker, Ryan Elliott, Riley Butcher, Samuel Marshman and Connor Mitchell. 

We wish you well in your future endeavours and look forward to hearing wonderful things about you all as time passes.


Teaching Staff for 2024

Our teaching staff for 2024 remains unchanged although some teachers will be changing grade. No doubt you have already worked out your child/ren's teacher/s from the transition afternoon we had on Tuesday.

Kindergarten: Miss Anna Fraser;

Year 1: Miss Nicolette Myers and Mrs Emily Gall;

Year 2: Miss Isabella Rasche;

Year 3/4: Miss Emily Maunder;

Year 5: Mr Mitchell Beaumont;

Year 6: Miss Leah Summerell.


2024 School Leaders

Congratulations to Molly Gallagher and Farrer Burke who have been elected School Captains for 2024. Congratulations also to Nulla Gillon and Thomas Taber who will be our Sporting House Captains. We are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead working with you in your Leadership Roles. Well done!

2024 School Captains
2024 Sport Captains
2024 School Captains
2024 Sport Captains


Families Leaving St Michael's

Today we farewell three families who are leaving our school. Eli Hansaker and Ryan Elliott have both completed their Primary School Years at St Michael's. We also farewell Daisy, Adelaide and Frank Coleman. We wish the children and their extended family members all the best for the future.


A reminder that staff return to school for 2024 on Tuesday January 30 and Years 1-6 commence on Thursday February 1 2024. Kindergarten will commence on Tuesday February 6. Please be reminded that all uniform items including socks are available from the school. 

When purchasing school shoes, please ensure that the shoes are black school shoes with no other colours visible. Joggers are permitted on sport days - Wednesday and Friday. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated.

Attached to the Newsletter is the Stationary List that each child in Yrs 1-6 require. 


On behalf of the staff at St Michael's I wish you and your extended family a joy filled and happy Christmas and New Year period. Please travel safely if you're heading off and take care of yourself and others. 

Merry Christmas
