Leadership Team

Meet our wonderful Leadership Team...

Principal: Noel Creece

Dear SMPS Community:


My name is Noel Creece and I am the proud principal of this wonderful school. I have been involved in the school since before its construction. I started when there were no enrolments and spent part of my first year visiting over 40 Kindergartens door-knocking to find enrolments. 


I am in my 37th year of teaching and my 22nd year of being a principal. I have taught in primary schools, secondary schools, middle schools, in the city, in the country, internationally, in small and super-large schools. I have worked across many socio-economic areas and have an unending passion for this profession.


I have two adult children (Adrian and Alexandra) who have completed university and are working in their chosen field. They are the love of my life and I couldn't be prouder of them.  


I want the best for every human associated with SMPS, especially the students and staff who are just fantastic. I am grateful for finding teaching and the gifts it has given me over many years. I look forward to helping make our school its best.

Assistant Principal: Carmen Britnell

Hello SMPS Students and Families,


My name is Carmen and I am thrilled to return to South Melbourne PS this year as Assistant Principal. I am a proud foundation staff member of our wonderful school, having taught many of our Graduating Class of 2024 in the school's first year, as well as being the Acting Principal in 2019-2020. 


Over the past 18 months I was fortunate to take on Acting Principal roles in three schools in the Geelong region. This was an incredible opportunity and I look forward to bringing my new learning to SMPS to continue to support our whole school improvement journey. 


I have a three-and-a-half-year-old son, Lachie, who keeps me very busy out of school. Together, we love visiting our local beach, walking the dogs, singing, dancing and planning our next adventures together! He is very keen to come along to the school so hopefully, he can meet many of you at some stage throughout the year. 


I am very excited to re-connect with our families and students over the coming weeks, and in particular, meet our new families joining the school for the first time. I know it can be daunting starting somewhere new so please don't hesitate to come up to say 'hi' and introduce yourselves. 


I look forward to meeting you all and working together to support our students to enjoy school and achieve their goals and potential in 2024.

Learning Specialist: Maddy Morrison (Curriculum and Learning)

Hi SMPS Community,


My name is Maddy. I'm lucky enough to have been at SMPS since 2019. During this time I taught Years 2 and 5 and also led lots of whole-school projects including our curriculum development, student learning programs, intervention, assessment, reporting and more. 


This year I will be continuing my work on our curriculum. I will be further developing and refining our units of study for Prep – Year 6, with a particular focus on Years 2 and 3. I am really excited to see our students engage in another year of English, Humanities, Science and Maths lessons in their classes.


When I’m not at school, I like riding my bike and listening to music. I grew up in Melbourne, in a suburb across the bay called Williamstown. I have a beautiful three year old cat called Shepherd who is my pride and joy. I am also currently caring for a very sweet Seeing Eye Dog in training named Pendles. You may see him around the school wearing his blue and yellow jacket.


I can’t wait to get to know even more of our SMPS families this year. It is going to be another wonderful year!

Learning Specialist: Jen Davies (Coaching and Development)

Hello Families and Friends of SMPS, 


My name is Miss Jenny. I am the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Leader at our wonderful school. 


I’ve worked at SMPS since we opened in 2018. I taught Prep for 2 years before changing levels to Grade 3/4, and most recently Grade 5.


I am now out of the classroom in a non-teaching position supporting staff to reach their potential.


I am originally from the UK and I am half Welsh. In summer, I was very lucky to see my Mum, Lynne for the first time in 2.5 years. We had a great time exploring Victoria from the beach to the mountains.


I enjoy running and exercise because it helps me to feel energised. I also like to try out new recipes and try tasty things. Finally, I love the theatre/any kind of show.


If we haven’t met yet, I look forward to meeting and getting to know you and if we have, I can’t wait to see your beautiful smiles when we return to school! 

Learning Specialist: Jo May (Wellbeing, Disabilities and Inclusion)

Dear SMPS Community, 


My name is Jo and I am the Learning Specialist: Wellbeing, Disabilities and Inclusion Leader at SMPS. I love my role as I help all students feel safe, happy and connected so that they can achieve their full potential.


This year marks my sixth year working at SMPS and a decade since I started teaching. I have taught different year groups in my career, from Prep to Grade 6. 


Before I worked at SMPS, I taught in East Ham, in London. For those of you who are soccer fans, it was the original home of West Ham United! 


I love working in inner city schools. So much can be learnt from being surrounded by people of all different cultural backgrounds. We are so lucky to be part of such a vibrant, multi-cultural community at South Melbourne Primary School. 


I moved to Australia from the UK in October 2018. I love travelling, exploring new places and learning new things. I also love trying new foods. In my spare time, I like to go to the beach or go hiking. I also read lots. 


If you are in our existing school community, I am excited to continue working closely with you. For our new school community, welcome! I am looking forward to getting to know yourselves and your wonderful children.

Leading Teacher: Callum Freel (Whole School Organisation)

Hi SMPS Families,


My name is Callum and I have been at SMPS since its foundation year in 2018!


I used to teach Maths in High School back home but SMPS convinced me to teach in a Primary School. SMPS is largely the reason I continued to stay living in Australia. 


For the last 18 months, I have been in the role of 'Leading Teacher: Whole School Organisation' and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I will continue this role for 2 days a week in 2024 as we welcome back the wonderful Miss Carmen.


In my spare time I love watching/playing sport (basketball and soccer are my favourites), playing board games and visiting new places.


I look forward to getting to know more of our wonderful community throughout 2024.

Seeing Eye Dog In Training: Pendles

Woof! I'm Pendles. I turn 7 months old on the 27th of January - today! I am 3/4 Labrador and 1/4 Golden Retriever. I currently live with Miss Maddy but I am owned by Vision Australia. I am training to be a Seeing Eye Dog to help someone in the community who is blind or has low vision live a more independent life.


My favourite things at the moment include eating, rolling in grass and playing with other dogs...but only when I'm not on duty. I love coming to school and seeing kids wave at me. I appreciate how they know not to pat me. This helps me stay focussed.


Sometimes kids and parents ask what I've been learning. So far, I have learnt to sit, lay down, wait, answer to my name, walk nicely on a lead, ignore distractions, tuck myself under a chair, get dressed in my Seeing Eye Dog jacket and indicate when there are stairs. It's hard work but I always try my best. 


I am meant to finish my time at SMPS in the next few weeks so I can get experience in a different environment. I will be sad to leave but hope I can come back to visit one day!