P&F News

At Monday's assembly we presented the Kalgan Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade with the $1,000 we raised at the Kingfisher Fair for their very worthy efforts in our neighbourhood.


On Tuesday we also held a P&F Executive Meeting and approved our budget and set our objectives for the 2024 year. 


Our activities/expenditure for the year includes but is not limited to:

  • An investment with the school to add to and improve the playground equipment across all areas of the Primary School including lots of climbing equipment.
  • A $20,000 commitment to purchase our students some technological assets which will assist their learning.
  • We agreed to provide two guest speakers to the parent group on topical issues for parenting in the modern world.
  • Working towards our fun/social event for the year – Bogan Bingo – with more details to be released next year.

There are a range of other activities in the planning and the P&F will provide more details early next year.


A question for you– what topics would you like to see our guest speakers present on?  Last year the topics were cyber security and body image, next year we’d like to present on other topics.  Please email your ideas/recommendations through to me at jason.pages@iinet.net.au


We are looking forward to a productive 2024.


Mr Jason Pages, P&F President

Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS) will keep rolling through summer

An important element of our P&F is our 'Dads in the Great Southern' (DIGS) group; fathers and father figures who meet regularly with and without children.  Partly so we can hit the ground running in Term One of 2024, the DIGS group will continue to meet through the summer break.  The next regular monthly meeting will be on Wednesday 6 December and the January meeting will be on Wednesday 3 January.  Meetings are held upstairs at the Premier Hotel from 6.30pm.  All fathers and father figures welcome.

Join our 'DIGS at GSG' Facebook Group 

Don't forget to join our private Facebook group 'DIGS at GSG' to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities. Mums are welcome to join too!


Luke Murnane, President

0417 944 789


David Marshall, DIGS Coordinator

0418 924 176