Primary School 

Our Primary School classes have been a hive of Christmas crafts and rehearsals, combined with swimming lessons this week to round off the final full week of 2023. Thank you, Mr Berryman and our Primary School teachers, for ably guiding our students through two weeks of swimming and adjusted timetables. 

Beach Fun Day

Today our ECC ventured to Emu Point for their annual end-of-year fun day. Thank you Ms Youens for carefully crafting a morning of fun that slotted in alongside swimming lessons. Our younger students were ably supported by our 2023 House Leaders in one of their final duties. We thanked our leaders for a year of dutiful service with a picnic of pizzas before heading to the swimming pool. Fun was had by all and our students are now ready for the final three days of 2023 in their current year groups.

Elf Post

Our Year Ones have diligently and excitedly been delivering our Primary School Christmas cards this week as we launched Elf Post. The collaboration they have shown as a class to distribute hundreds of letters each day has been incredible. Thank you to Mrs Gouldthorp for supporting this initiative at a busy time of year. The academic, social and organisational skills learnt have only just been trumped by the joy it has brought our students. 

Australian Orienteering Championships 2023

Ruth Toomey (Year Five) and Edmund Toomey (Year Seven)competed at the Australian Championships carnival with events held in bush, farmland and campus maps between Perth, York and Beverley attracting over 500 orienteers to each event.


Edmund was selected in the WA Junior Boys (M15) State Team for the three events in the Australian Schools Orienteering Carnival and competed on navigationally challenging courses running ‘up’ against older boys and finished mostly mid-field, earning a lot of experience for next year’s events. At the Australian Sprint Distance Championships, held at a combined map of Christchurch Grammar School and Methodist Ladies College, he raced in the M12 age group over 2km and placed 1st.


Earlier in the year Edmund placed 1st in the WA Sprint Distance Championships in M12 and 2nd in the WA Middle Distance Championships in M14.


Ruth was competing in W10 at her first national carnival and placed 1st in the Australian Sprint Championships in the tricky 1.7km course through CCGS and MLC; 3rd in the Australian Long Distance Championships in the Avon Valley over 2.3km and 1st in the Australian Middle Distance Championships on the farmland near Spencers Brook.


Ruth is ranked 1st in the 2023 National Rankings for W10A.


ADHOC Orienteers is the local club in its 10th year and, with Ruth and Edmund’s assistance, won the Orienteering Western Australia Champion Club Award 2023.


ADHOC schedules approximately 12 events in the Albany-Denmark region each year mostly in Spring and Autumn but with club members attending informal coaching events and activities throughout the year. This year the Primary School Interschool Teams Orienteering event at Centennial Park East had nearly 200 competitors and in 2024 the Secondary Schools will be competing for the first time, in a relay competition.


Well done to Ruth and Edmund, we look forward to watching your future successes. 

2024 Student Numbers

The School is planning for increased student numbers next year.  The main area of growth is the Primary School, and we are excited to announce an additional Pre-Kindy class to commence next year.  


Please feel free to share this information with family and friends. For further details, and to enrol, please contact Community Relations Manager, Mrs Julia Bairstow.



Upcoming Events

Week Nine holds our important end-of-year events in the Primary School calendar. The summary given below are all events that our students are involved in and families are invited to attend if they can.


On Monday 4 December, speakers from Years Two to Six will present at our Whole School Christmas Service whilst our Year Ones steal the show with the nativity play.

Monday afternoon is our Year Six Graduation and Exhibition, Year Six students and families only attend this one and need their full presentation uniform.


On Tuesday 5 December at 9.00am we begin in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex with our Primary School Awards Assembly, students in Pre-Primary to Year Six attend with our Year Three to Six students wearing full presentation uniform. At the conclusion, a light morning tea, courtesy of the P&F Association, will be served before the Kindergarten to Year Six Christmas Concert begins at 11.00am. Families are welcome to sign their students out at the conclusion of the event back over at the classrooms. 

  • Monday 4 December, 10.15am – Whole School Christmas Service, Multi-Purpose Sport Complex
  • Monday 4 December, 2.30pm – Year Six Celebration & Exhibition, Multi-Purpose Sport Complex
  • Tuesday 5 December, 9.00am – Primary School Awards Ceremony, Multi-Purpose Sport Complex
  • Tuesday 5 December, 11.00am – Christmas Concert, Multi-Purpose Sport Complex

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, 


Mrs Leah Field | Head of Primary