From the Deputy Principal

Finishing well

“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


As we approach the end of the year many people are asking me if I am winding down for the year.  The reality is, this is a particularly busy time of the year because we are all striving to finish well.  Very often, finishing strongly and seeing things through to their conclusion is the most difficult part of the journey.  It is at this stage of the journey that people are tired and ready for a break.  We may not behave with as much patience and forbearance as we should.  Sometimes students think the rules don't apply in anywhere near the same way as they do in Term Two and make poor choices, or their frayed tempers get the better of them.  My advice to students at this time of the year is to think carefully, act kindly and take a few deep breaths before launching into action.  We look forward to celebrating the end of the year with our students and ensuring they finish well.


“No one has a problem with the first mile of a journey.  Even an infant could do fine for a while.  But it isn't the start that matters, it's the finish line." - Julien Smith  

Uniform reminders

A reminder that presentation uniform (covered legs) is required for the Awards Ceremonies next week.


Primary School Awards Ceremony: Tuesday 5 December 9.00am

Secondary School Awards Ceremony: Wednesday 6 December 1.30pm


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal