From the Principal

Returning from Leave

This week I returned from a short period of leave and would like to thank Emma Franklin for her leadership during my absence.  Upon returning, the School is in full action with Primary School and Year Seven swimming lessons, Years Seven and Eight final assessments, Year Ten exams and the Year Elevens on camp.  The Primary School is also abuzz with preparations for the Christmas Concert.

2024 Student Numbers

The School is planning for increased student numbers next year.  The main area of growth is in the Primary School, and I am delighted to announce an additional Pre-Kindy class to commence next year.  We will also welcome a number of additional students in the Primary School as well as Years Seven and Eight whilst in boarding, we are planning for fewer students for Year Seven.





Our incoming P&F President, Mr Jason Pages, presented a cheque to Grant Solomon from the Kalgan Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade.  He gave some clear messages to the students regarding the high frequency of fires that have already occurred in Western Australian during the latter half of spring.  One interesting piece of information was the lack of moisture in the soil which is clearly of concern for the upcoming summer bushfire season. Grant informed the students that these levels in November were similar to the levels we usually find in February in Kalgan.  Finally, he provided the students with a clear instruction not to light fires under any circumstances over the summer as the outcomes would be significant for our local community.

End-of-year events

We are really looking forward the next week’s end-of-year festivities and extend a warm invitation to families and friends to the events highlighted below.  These events are a wonderful opportunity to enjoy and share with the students of GSG their accomplishments for the year.  All events are held in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex.


Christmas Service: Monday 4 December 10.15am

Primary School Awards Ceremony: Tuesday 5 December 9.00am

Primary School Christmas Concert: Tuesday 5 December 11.00am

Secondary School Awards Ceremony: Wednesday 6 December 1.30pm


Mr Mark Sawle | Principal