Learning & Teaching

Year 1 News
On Monday the Year 1's arrived to find a BIG problem… our chairs had quit!! They were feeling very tired, overworked and underappreciated. The Year 1's really missed their chairs - we got very tired! Luckily, we had been learning how to write persuasive letters so we knew just what to do!
Prep Breakfast
Yesterday the Prep children enjoyed breakfast at school as part of the Camp Program.The children came to school dressed in their pyjamas and ate breakfast together. They also celebrated Christmas with Christmas craft activities and a special Christmas incursion from 'The Flying Bookworm Theatre Company.' A big thank you to Miss Wirth and Miss Bilney for organising this special day for the children, and to all the staff who helped set up and serve breakfast.
Year 4 Inquiry Presentations
This term, Year 4 have been learning about Great Explorations, including the colonial beginnings of Australia and the First Nations People, taking into account multiple perspectives and stories. They investigated the impact of European exploration on other societies and how these experiences contributed to today’s cultural diversity. The students researched, planned, rehearsed and presented an oral presentation about an explorer of their choice. Congratulations and well done to all Year 4 students for your outstanding presentations which demonstrated excellent research skills and composure. Thank you to the parents who were able to attend and watch the presentations.
Semester 2 Reports
Staff are currently working on assessment and reporting as they gather evidence to support students academic achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework.
Your child's achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework for the semester is rated against a five point descriptor scale, displayed by a Dot, which identifies whether your child is:
- Well above standard
- Above standard
- At standard
- Below standard
- Well below standard
Not all dimensions of a Learning Area are reported on each semester. If a child is showing the same result as the end of Semester One, this does mean that progress has not occurred. Progress is not always even and each child has his/her own rate of learning. Each increment represents six month's growth and your child may still be progressing but consolidating what has been learnt previously e.g. your child may have shown five month's growth but not moved up an increment.
The Student Report format will contain a personalised 'Comment on Student Learning' which may refer to the student's academic achievement, personal and interpersonal skills, thinking skills, organisational skills as well as behaviour and effort.
The Student Report will provide you with an overview of your child's achievements and assist in strengthening our family-school partnership. The Student Report is intended to promote discussion about how we can work together to benefit your child.
As per last semester, you will be receiving your child’s Semester 2 Report online via the nForma Parent Portal. Instructions on how to access the nForma Parent Portal will be sent out to the email addresses that have been previously supplied to the school. It is very important that you have updated your email addresses with the school, as an automated email containing instructions and login details will come from no-reply@nforma.com.au and not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address. For security purposes, all passwords have been reset since Semester 1.
Semester 2 Reports will be emailed on Thursday 14 December.