School News

2024 Staffing News
I share with school community members the following Staffing News.
Holly Burke
Holly has resigned from her classroom teacher position and will instead be heading off on a travelling adventure next year in Australia before commencing a teaching position in the sub tropical Gascoyne Region of Western Australia for the remainder of the year.
This is sad news for us all here at Sacred Heart Kew, but exciting times for Holly. I thank Holly for all that she has contributed to our school and for the care, compassion and kindness she has shown our children in her short time here with us. We will miss Holly's calm and engaging manner. I know that you will all join me in congratulating Holly for making this BIG decision, with regards to the next exciting step in her teaching career. We certainly wish Holly all the very best with her future endeavours, wherever they may leave. We will acknowledge and celebrate Holly and her contributions later this term.
Chiara Town
Chiara has resigned from her position as Learning Support Officer and will not work as a Learning Support Officer at Sacred Heart Kew in 2024. Chiara will continue to focus more on her studies next year. I thank Chiara for all her work here at Sacred Heart Kew in this role and wish her all the very best with her studies and future career path. We will celebrate Chiara and her time here with us towards the end of the term.
Liz Cameron
As some of you may know, Liz completed her teaching degree mid year and is now a fully qualified teacher. As such, Liz will not be returning to Sacred Heart Kew as a Learning Support Officer next year. I thank Liz for all her contributions to our school and children in this role, whilst she was busy completing her teaching degree. I also thank Liz for being one of our regular CRT's in the second half of this year. It has been very handy having Liz on board as a teacher replacement.
Liz Cameron has accepted a classroom teacher position at Sacred Heart Kew next year, effectively filling the vacant classroom teacher role that has just become available (as per the above news). We're delighted to have Liz return in this role for 2024. Please congratulate Liz on this exciting new role when you see her next. It's great that Liz can continue her work here with us, now in a classroom teacher capacity.
Gemma Crivelli
In 2024, we welcome Gemma Crivelli (former student of Sacred Heart Kew) who will join us as a Learning Support Officer. Next year, Gemma will be completing the final year of her teaching degree and will work three days a week at Sacred Heart Kew (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). Gemma is very excited to be joining us as a staff member and looks forward to meeting us all at the start of next year.
Gabbi Pigatto
Gabbi Pigatto has been working at our school as an emergency Learning Support Officer over the course of this year. Next year, Gabbi will continue in the Learning Support Officer role, working two days a week whilst she also completes the final year of her teaching degree. Gabbi's days are still to be determined as she awaits her University timetable.
We look forward to welcoming our new staff members to our team in 2024.
We will communicate further updates and new appointments in due course. We anticipate that we will be able to share our finalised 2024 Staffing list with everyone on Monday 11 December.
Parish News - Father John Madden
As some families know, Father John Madden announced to the Parish community recently that he is leaving Sacred Heart Parish Kew in January. Father John has been Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Parish Kew since 2018.
On behalf of past and present Leadership, I wish to acknowledge and thank Father John Madden for his support of the school during his time here as Parish Priest. Whenever we have attended Mass celebrations, Father John has always been an engaging presence, providing us with many spiritual thought provoking occasions, promoting our spiritual growth and development, as he shared with us, the good news of Jesus Christ.
We wish Father John well with his future plans, whatever they may hold.
School Advisory Council
As you know, the School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the School Principal and Custodian of Mission for the good of school and parish, where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.
School Advisory Council members' primary role is to provide assistance and advice on school matters to support the principal in the context of the MACS governance arrangements.
A sincere thanks to all our School Advisory Council members (see below) for all their valuable support and contributions to our school this year, providing parent voice and advice so our school continues to thrive and be a positive learning environment for all members.
Father John
Phil Ryan
Chris Leung
Elisa Sapuppo
Anton Punith
Danielle Gerecke
Ed Weekes
I wish to acknowledge and thank Phil Ryan who finishes up his time as Chairperson of our School Advisory Council at the end of this year. Phil has been a member and Chairperson for the last four years. I am most grateful of all his contributions and support of the school and the School Advisory Council, during a different and difficult time.
As mentioned above, I also wish to acknowledge and thank Father John Madden for his support of the school during his time here at Sacred Heart Kew. We wish him well for his future plans.
As such, there is currently one parent representative position open for election. The
term of appointment is for 3 years, with an option to re-elect. The School Advisory Council holds 5 meetings a year along with the AGM in November. Next year the meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
2024 SAC Dates
Term 1
Tuesday 13 February 7.30pm
Term 2
Tuesday 7 May 7.30pm
Tuesday 11 June 7pm
Term 3
Tuesday 13 August 7.30pm
Term 4
Tuesday 15 October 7pm
AGM - Tuesday 26 November 7.30pm
If you are interested in being a parent representative on our School Advisory Council next year, please contact Ed Weekes for further details regarding the expression of interest and application process.
Year 5 Leadership Speeches
Congratulations to all the Year 5 students who presented their Leadership Speech to staff, parents and students last Monday. All candidates spoke confidently and provided excellent examples of how they would conduct themselves in the various roles they applied for, and some changes that they would make to improve our school. The 2024 Year 6 Leaders will be announced to the school community in our final week of the school year.
Swimming Program
The Swimming Program commences next Thursday 7 December to Wednesday 13 December.
Children are to wear their sports uniform each day to school (and can wear their bathers underneath). They will need to bring a separate bag to school with them each day.
Items Required
Bathers (or change of underwear if wearing bathers to school under their uniform).
Please ensure all items are clearly labelled along with their sports uniform worn on the day.
As there are other school events on during this busy period, your child’s swimming class day and time will vary from day to day this year, for various reasons, some reasons are out of our control. Your child’s swimming classes will be held each day as per the following:
9:10-9:55 - Prep
10:00-10:45 - Year 1
10:50-11:35 - Year 3 and Year 5
11:40-12:25 - Year 2
1:10-1:55 - Year 4
2:00-2:45 - Year 6
9:10-9:55 - Prep
10:00-10:45 - Year 1
10:50-11:35 - Year 3 and Year 5
11:40-12:25 - Year 2
1:10-1:55 - Year 4
2:00-2:45 - Year 6
9:10-9:55 - Year 6
10:00-10:45 - Year 6
10:50-11:35 - Prep
11:40-12:25 - Year 1
1:10-1:55 - Year 2 and Year 3
2:00-2:45 - Year 4
9:10-9:55 - Year 5
10:00-10:45 - Year 3 and Year 5 C
10:50-11:35 - Prep
11:40-12:25 - Year 1
1:10-1:55 - Year 2
2:00-2:45 - Year 4
9:10-9:55 - Prep
10:00-10:45 - Year 1
10:50-11:35 - Year 3 and Year 5
11:40-12:25 - Year 2
1:10-1:55 - Year 4
2:00-2:45 - Year 6
Each day, all children will walk to and from the venue with their classroom teacher.
** Note ** Classes depart school and walk to MLC prior to start of lesson and have changing time available. Students will be in the water for 45 minutes and change after.
Parent Helpers at Swimming
As with any school activity/event, we greatly appreciate our parent helpers. Thank you to the many parents who have volunteered to help out next week. Classroom Teachers are in the process of sharing the parent helper timetable.
We encourage parents to please stick to your alotted day on the timetable, as the MLC Swimming Pool space is quite small and seating is limited. Thanks for your support with this request.
Advent at Sacred Heart 2023
Last week, we commenced our Advent paraliturgies. Thank you to the Year 5 and 6 students for leading Week 1 and to Year 2 and Year 3 for leading us this week.
We warmly invite families to attend our school paraliturgies (as per the schedule below) which will lead students through an exploration of biblical figures who were fundamental in the faith journey of God's people and preparing the way for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
We look forward to seeing you there if possible!
2024 Transition Day
On Monday 11 December, students in Prep to Year 5 will transition to their 2024 class. The children will find out which class they will be in next year, on this day. They will meet and work with the students and teacher from 9:15-10:30am. All new students commencing at Sacred Heart next year will attend the session.
Below are some tips from Susan, our School Counsellor, to help your child manage this change in their school journey.
Managing change
Dealing with changes can be tough for children, and it’s normal for them to feel a bit scared or anxious. Some children handle change with excitement, while others might find it worrisome. Children like things to stay the same because it makes them feel safe, So, when they switch grades, get a new teacher, or change classrooms, it can be a bit scary for them.
Here are some simple ways you can help your child during these changes:
1. Listen to them: Take the time to listen to their questions and worries. Help them understand their feelings and let them know it’s okay to feel the way they do. Don’t brush off their concerns by saying “It’s not a big deal’.
2. Be there for them: Reassure your child that your love and support for them are always there, no matter what changes. Give them a hug or put your arm around them. Ask them how you can help and support them.
3. Give them time to get ready: Whenever it is possible tell them about the changes beforehand so that they have time to get used to the idea. Focus on the good things that might happen.
4. Let them make choices: Sometimes, children feel like they have no control over their lives during changes. Let them make small choices, like what to pack for lunch or what to have for dinner on the first day of school.
5. Talk about past changes: Remind them of other times they handled changes well, like moving up a grade, starting school, or making new friends.
Remember, your child looks to you for guidance. Stay positive, be there for them, and stay calm during the changes. If you or your child need more help to navigate changes, please reach out to their classroom teacher, Courtney Drough (Learning Diversity Leader) or the school counsellor. We are all here to support you both.
Some helpful resouces:
Sweet Success!!
Sacred Heart's Beehive Delivers First Honey Harvest
Many of you will remember that last year, Sacred Heart adopted a beehive, with the funds raised from the sale of the succulent plants. The beehive has flourished over the past year, yielding its inaugural batch of honey. Under the dedicated care of our skilled beekeeper Mark, the hive thrives. His efforts have resulted in 27 jars of golden goodness.
We will be selling our first honey harvest after the Christmas Carols evening next Thursday ($10 per jar). All proceeds will go to saving endangered frogs (a project that our Environmental Monitors would like to support). Come and support this “sweet’ initiative.
Meet Mark, our beekeeper
Mark, from Golden Plains honey, runs the Adopt a beehive program. He establishes the hives, cares for them and collects the honey for Sacred Heart. If you love markets, Mark has stalls at the Flemington and the Gasworks market in Port Melbourne.
Thank you for your support.
Libby Mulhall on behalf of the Sacred Heart Environmental monitors.
2024 School Fees
Please read the document below which outlines School Fees and Student Levies for 2024.
There is no Assembly on Friday 8 December due to the Swimming Program taking place.
A final Assembly will be held on Friday 15 December at 11:15am hosted by Year 6.