Prep A - Hart B - For being a dedicated learner who always works hard and holds herself to a high standard. I love how well you present your work and the pride you show!

Prep B - Bonnie D - Your continuous hard work and positive attitude towards your learning. It is great to see you trying hard to succeed and always with a smile on your face. Congratulations superstar! 


12A - Stella S - For always trying your best in all areas of your learning and persevering when challenged. It has been great to see you flourish this term. Keep up the amazing work ! 

12B - Ari R - For enthusiastically participating in her learning and sharing her creativity and ideas with others. Well done Ari, we love having you in our class.

12C - Leanna W- For being a great helping hand in the classroom and taking on extra responsibilities. 


34A - Lincoln C - For sharing your cheeky sense of humour with us in 3/4A and working really hard at using our PAL values. Well done Linc!

34B - Harrison R - For working so hard in all areas of the curriculum. It’s amazing to see how much you’ve grown and improved in everything this year. Keep working hard! 

34C - Alexia W - Always coming to school with a smile and a cheery hello. You’ve been a great member of 3/4C this year!


56A - Deegan N - For sharing his knowledge and learning with the class. Well done Deegs! 

56B - Tennessy E - For showing excellent improvement in her persuasive writing by using high modality words. 

56C - Hunter T - For bumping up his persuasive writing by identifying his audience and writing directly to them using his writer’s voice.

56D - Stella B - For always demonstrating the PAL values and for her positive attitude towards her learning. Well done, Stella!




Prep B - Jahmaar C - Developing a love of Maths and continually trying to improve. I love how you listen, work hard and challenge yourself to think of new ways to solve problems. Well done Jahmaar.

12C -Zeke D-R - For demonstrating outstanding money skills in maths and being able to find the correct change. Great Work!

34A - Kiel C - His excellent results in recent class assessments. You’re such a Maths Whizz Kiel.

56A - Chenayah L - For working hard to convert decimals to fractions. Well done Chenayah! 





Prep B - Tanner D - Your wonderful attitude to having a go at writing. It has been great to see your confidence grow, to see you attempting writing sentences and using your letter sounds to help you. Keep it up Tanner, you can do it! 

12C - Isla W - For your use of powerful persuasive language in your writing this week. You really convinced the reader! Well done!

34A - Bayley D - For your new found love of writing. It has been awesome to see you so excited about writing and working so hard at applying strategies we’ve covered to you free writing. 

56A - Paige H - For using a range of persuasive tricks, modality words and personal pronouns to make her writing even more convincing. Well done Paige!