Year 9 Outdoor Education

The Year 9 Outdoor Education groups participated in the Dwellingup hiking expedition. Three classes, with a total of 55 students, went camping and hiking in the Dwellingup region which gave them the opportunity to practise the hiking and camping techniques they had learned in class this semester.

On the first day we hiked along the King Jarrah trail, covering 18 kilometres. Although challenging at times, it was great that the students were able to overcome the difficulties and complete the trail. The camping and cooking activities in the evening provided them with a chance to further enhance their outdoor skills and bond as a group. The group debrief was likely a valuable opportunity for reflection and sharing their experiences.


The second day the boys completed a shorter hike along the Bibbulmun Track, arriving in Dwellingup Townsite just in time for a well earned lunch break.

Congratulations to those who handled the hot weather with a smile.

Thank you to Mr Walczak, Mr Truss, Mrs Johnson and Mr Keddie for accompanying the boys and to ex-student, Mitchell Peters, for joining us on the hike as the support crew.