Cebula Boarding

Boarding News

As the boys navigate the last weeks of the school year with exams for the Year 10s and 11s and final assessments for other year groups, we proudly congratulate the following boarders who received awards for both their academic and leadership endeavours at this week’s Presentation Evening.

Julian P

Christian Leadership Award 7E

Merrick L

Principal’s Award for Christian Leadership

Bradley L

Award Winner for Metal Work 

Benjamin A

Fr Brian Maher Award OMI Courage and Passion Award

Ryan W

Award for Humanities and Social Sciences and Religious Education , Medal Winner for Humanities and Social Sciences

Jonah M

Award for Specialised Physical Education 

Jacob O

Recognition of Academic Achievement and Christian Leadership Award 10D

Drew H

Design and Technology Medal 

Sam D

Recognition of Academic Achievement

Clinton M

Christian Leadership Award 11E

Joshua M 

Angelina Hart Award for Christian Leadership

Damien C 

Christian Leadership Award 

Elijah L 

Fr Joseph Cebula OMI Award for Christian Leadership in the boarding community.


The Cebula community is busily preparing for the new boarders orientation and our annual Christmas Dinner in the coming weeks. We are also in the process of working out logistics for the demolition of McDermott/Cranley House to make way for an eagerly awaited purpose built new boarding facility.


Annamaria Cream

Director of Boarding