Uniform Shop

Open Hours During Term
Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm.
Contact Details
(08) 9291 1560 (direct) on Thursdays 8:00am-4:00pm
Email: uniform.shop@mazenod.wa.edu.au
We encourage orders to be placed via email or phone and paid with credit card prior to collection. All orders will be processed each Thursday when the Uniform Shop is open. We also welcome you to visit the shop during opening hours. Uniforms can be collected either by parents or students and can be picked up during opening times or from Student Services.
Ordering Options
Online Ordering:
Download the Uniform Shop Order Form from the Uniform Shop section on the College website. Complete the form and email it to the Uniform Shop at uniform.shop@mazenod.wa.edu.au.
Telephone Ordering:
Please ring the Uniform Shop during opening hours to place an order and provide payment details. If unsure of sizes, we will happily fit students out with the items they need. If using this option, we ask that the boys call into the Uniform Shop at lunchtime, where possible, as before and after school can be busy.
Payment can be made with EFTPOS (Visa, Mastercard & Amex)
Second Hand Uniforms Wanted
We are looking for second hand uniforms in good condition for the uniform shop. If you have any items that you wish to donate or resell, we welcome them.
Items must be washed, free of stains and rips and any blazers must be dry cleaned.
We cannot accept socks, caps, bucket hats, bathers, shoes or any Mazenod Junior Basketball, Football or Hockey Club items.
If you are handing any second hand uniform into the shop or leaving it at Student Services, please ensure that you download the form on the Mazenod website listing all items for sale.
** Please note, uniform items must have the new logo**
Current College shirt logo:
Maechell, Helen and Tracy
Uniform Shop Coordinators