The Arts

Echoes of Change: A Portrait of Martin Luther King

Joshua M, Year 12

Our very own Year 12 General Visual Art student Josh M has been selected as part of this year's The West Australian Pulse for his painting ‘Echoes of Change’. This is a wonderful achievement for Josh.

The West Australian Pulse is an annual exhibition showcase that celebrates young artists from schools all across Western Australia, showcasing the pulse of young people who will influence, empower and shape the world we live in. Josh's work and other selected works provide a window into young people’s private, social and artistic concerns. It is an inspiring, rewarding and insightful look at the world through the minds of WA’s most talented young artists.


The exhibition will be held at the Art Gallery of Western Australia from 6th April - 29th July 2024. More information can be found on the Art Gallery of WA website. 

About the work:

Drawing inspiration from Kehinde Wiley's influential portrait style, Josh approached the portrayal of Martin Luther King in "Echoes of Change." In the background, Josh has embedded newspaper articles about King's activism to represent the historical context of his fight for justice. His artwork highlights the urgent message of the ongoing struggle for equality.

2024 Upper School Music Scholarships

Students in Years 10 - 12 in 2024 are invited to apply for a music scholarship. Application forms are now available from the PAC office and need to be returned by Monday 20 November. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 5 December. 

Jazz Band Auditions

Auditions for the 2024 Jazz Band in 2024 will be held on Tuesday 5 December

Application forms are now available from the PAC office.

Music Lessons For 2024

Music lesson enrolments are ongoing so if your son is currently having music lessons but does not wish to continue lessons next year please email to advise this. If no notification is received then students will be added to rosters next year and an invoice for Semester 1 will be issued.


If you have any queries about the above information, please call 9291 1535 or email

Music Ensemble and Bands

If you have any queries about the bands and ensembles, please contact Mr Graham or Mrs Greenley in the PAC office.


Anne Greenley

Arts Administration