From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College,


As the end of year approaches rapidly and the busyness seems to intensify, it is important to reflect on what has been.


The annual College Presentation Night provides such a wonderful opportunity to do just that. The night is a wonderful showcase of academic achievements, leadership, service and talents and the hard work and determination of our dedicated students and staff. Congratulations to all students who were rewarded for their academic achievements this year and heartfelt thanks to our talented musicians who performed on the evening.


An event such as this requires countless hours of preparation and we extend our thanks to Mrs Anne Greenley, Mrs Lyn McDonald, Mr Brett Scarey, Mrs Theresa Checker and Mrs Chris Pember who led the organisation. They received rich support from Mr Jeff Ronan, our grounds and maintenance crew including Mr Dave Vallis, Mr Andy Etherington and Mr Andy Barnett and our College Leadership and administration staff. A great highlight on these occasions are the musical performances and the audiences were wonderfully entertained by the Mazenod Jazz Band, the Year 9 Band and the Mazenod/St Brigid’s Combined Concert Band and Choir – all conducted by the amazing, Mr Sam Graham. It was true night to savour and to be enormously proud of.


In addition to our curricular and co-curricular programs, the College offers such a wealth of opportunities for our students and we cannot do this without the support of the band of volunteer members of our community. It was a great pleasure to recognise the amazing contributions of so many with a small gesture of thanks when we hosted our annual Volunteers Thank You Sundowner this Friday evening.


With only two weeks of classes before the end of year, this is the penultimate edition of the newsletter and an opportune time to wish our Year 11 students well for the remainder of their exams. Our Year 11’s of course, embark on their holiday break at the end of next week and I challenged them at their recent Thanksgiving Mass to use the holiday period to reflect and celebrate the hard work of this year but also to use this time to rest and relax so they have the energy to move into 2024 and Year 12 with renewed vigour.


“Thank God for the all the good you are accomplishing by His Grace” 

(St Eugene de Mazenod)


God bless.


Simon Harvey
