
In maths, the Preps are revising different subtraction and addition strategies they can use to help solve maths problems. They have used a variety of strategies to show their understanding. For example, writing a number sentence, counting down from the biggest number, and using concrete materials.
The Preps were presented with the following open-ended partitioning problem.
In the woods, there is a teddy bear picnic. There are twelve teddy bears and three picnic rugs. How many teddy bears are on each rug? How many different combinations can you make? Below are some of the students showing their solutions.
The Preps continue to practise the correct size, formation and directionality of taught letters. Last week, a picture of a map was presented on the screen. Together, we brainstormed the purpose of a map, who might use it, and what it might be used for. Then, the Preps had the opportunity to write about the map using the words and ideas we had discussed. The activity's learning intention was to write a simple sentence that makes sense, use finger spaces and correct punctuation. The Preps were very engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the activity.
There was great excitement in the classroom! Each student had the opportunity to try float their goat in a boat. The students hypothesised why the boat might float or sink, considering the properties of the materials used to create the goat and the boat. Overall, the experiment was successful and most of the boats did float.
Education in Faith
The Preps are very excited each day to see the kindness of the school community and the generosity shown. Thank you, Prep families, for your food and decoration donations. We are collecting donations until 11 December.