News From Mr Smith

Dear School Community Members,
It was fabulous to see so many families attend our Writing Expo yesterday and celebrate the achievements, growth and progress our students have made in writing throughout 2023. I also thank our families who provided feedback to their child’s classmates – this had a wonderful impact on many of our students!
Mano Step Up Day – Tuesday 12th December:
The annual State-wide Orientation Day whereby students engage in an extended transition session with their 2024 teacher, 2024 classmates and in their 2024 classroom will take place on Tuesday 12th December. On this day, students will participate in activities and tasks that support their transition into their next year level. Students will be provided with a ‘Class Placement’ letter that outlines their teacher for 2024. Many of our Grade 6 students will visit their secondary school on this day.
Mano Colour Run: I am super proud to announce that Mano Colour Run raised $17,843.34. This is an incredible effort by our community and demonstrates the wonderful community spirit embedded at Mano. As communicated, these funds will go towards our Junior Playground replacement project. Again, thank you to our amazing Parents and Friends Committee for their coordination of Mano Colour Run.
Safety at Drop Off and Pick Up times: As a school, our highest priority is the safety of all community members. Recently we have had some feedback from families regarding the need to remind drivers to take extra care during ‘Drop Off’ and ‘Pick Up’ times due to some near misses or “close shaves”.
With this in mind, I remind families of the following
- The staff carpark is strictly for staff only, as well as any community member who has the appropriate permit to park in the ‘All Accessible’ parking bays that are located in the staff carpark (permit must be on display)
- Peter Lowe Reserve is a great option for ‘Drop Off’ and ‘Pick Up’ times – many of our families utilise this option with great success
- If you intend to ‘drop off’ or ‘pick up’ in any of the streets immediately adjacent to Mano, please allow extra time
Thank you in anticipation for your support of this matter.
Key Dates in December
- Tuesday, 12th December Mano Transition Day – students meet their 2024 teacher
- Thursday, 14th December Grade 6 Graduation ceremony
- Friday, 15th December End of Year Celebration – 9:30am
- Wednesday, 20th December Last day of school year – 1:30pm dismissal
Thank you for supporting our school and have a great week.
Christian Smith