News From The Office

Library News
A kind reminder for all Library books to be returned and all borrowing has finished for the year. Presently the Library is in the process of retrieving and reshelving books ready for next year. All support would be greatly appreciated!
2024 Voluntary Financial Contributions & Booklists
Details regarding 2024 Voluntary Financial Contributions were sent to families via email and Compass recently. Contributions can be made directly to our booklist supplier Paperchase Office National online or to the school via Bpay, Credit Card, Eftpos, Cheque or Cash.
We kindly request your payment by the end of Term 1, Thursday 28th March 2024. Paperchase Office National will provide the schools booklist items in 2024. All booklist items used by each year level will be listed online and will be delivered directly to the school the week prior to school commencing in 2024. Please ensure your order is placed by Sunday 10th December 2023. Booklist items orders received after Sunday 10th December 2023 will incur a late packing fee of $5.00 per booklist and may not be delivered prior to Term 1, 2024.
2024 Booklists are available at
School Code: BTSMHPS
Please ensure that you select the correct student year level for 2024
Reporting Student Absences
If your child is absent from school please notify the school office before 10:00am on the day of the absence using one of the following methods;
Online: via the Compass App
Telephone: please call 5229 9643 (select options 1) and please leave a message including your child’s name, date and reason for absence
Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to or on the day that they will be away helps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child.
Our school will call you as soon as practicable on the day of the absence if your child is not at school and you have not notified the school office.
Manifold Heights Primary School recognises that there is a clear correlation between attendance at school and academic achievement - the research indicates that lower attendance leads to poorer learning and wellbeing outcomes. We take attendance very seriously at Mano and have a goal to have as close to 95% of student attendance as possible.
For more information regarding attendance please follow the link to the Department of Education's Attendance Policy.
Late Arrivals
If your child arrives late to school they must be signed in by a parent/guardian and collect a 'Pass In' card at the Office.
Be SunSmart - No Hat = No Play
It is that time of the year when we need to ‘dust’ off our SunSmart Hat! All students are required to wear their Mano SunSmart hat from 1st September during all outside activities. This is part of the ‘Student Dress Code’ and ‘Sun Smart’ policies of our school. Students will be required to play in a designated shaded area if they don’t have their SunSmart hat. We are committed to maximising the skin health of your child – we thank you for your support with this.
Update Personal Details
Please update the Office if you have had a change to personal details. eg. address, phone number, emergency contact person. It is very important to have all your details up to date in case of an emergency with your child.
Second Hand Uniforms
Second hand uniforms are available to purchase via the Office. Uniforms, school bags, school hats and book bags are available. If you would like to peruse the stock available please contact the Office to arrange an appointment time.
We also seek donations. Please, only provide items that are in good condition, to the Office to be added to the Second Hand Uniform Shop.
Canteen Menu
Lunch orders are available on Thursdays and Fridays via the Flexi Schools app. Orders must be submitted by 8:45am. Our latest Canteen Menu can be found here.
House Colours
Students in Grades 3-6 are allocated to a house for sports competitions.
Manifold - Green
Strachan - Yellow
Purrumbete - Blue
Narmbool - Red