Our Faith - Religious Education

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Mass Times
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times are Saturday 9 am & 6 pm
and Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm.
Currently weekend Masses are being celebrated in the De La Salle Chapel at O'Connor due to the roof repairs at the Cathedral.
First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2023
Mark 13:33-37
Jesus warns his disciples to be watchful so that they will be ready when the Son of Man comes.
Sunday we begin the season of Advent, which marks the start of a new liturgical year for the Church. The readings for Sunday Mass are arranged on a three-year cycle. Each year features a different Gospel -- Matthew, Mark, or Luke. Readings from the Gospel of John are interspersed throughout all three years. With this year's first Sunday of Advent, we begin Cycle B of the Lectionary, which focuses our attention on the Gospel of Mark. This week and next week, our readings from Mark's Gospel present two important Advent themes: the Lord's return at the end of time and John the Baptist's preparation for Jesus.
Upcoming Events
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal (Wednesday13th December)
Our School Community will once again participate in the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal. We are asking our school community to donate non-perishable food and gift items to our school on Wednesday 13th December. Students are invited to wear Christmas colours to school and bring an unwrapped gift to school.
End of Year Whole School Mass
You are invited to the Year 6 & whole school Mass on Friday 15th December. Due to the Cathedral being closed, our Mass will take place on the school grounds at 9am. Enter via Rusden Street Doors.
REAL TALK - Real Talk's Parent Membership Site.
St Mary's School Community can gain access here https://realtalkparents.com/armidale. Valued at $49 it is FREE this year for staff and families as part of our working relationship with Real Talk. Real Talk Parents Membership Site is a quality resource bank in the area's of eSafety, relationships and sex education.
Prayer Card
Last week students were offered a prayer card for peace in the Holy Land. In light of the unfolding situation in Israel and Palestine, the Aid to the Church in Need produced these prayer cards to distribute to Catholic parishes and schools. Together, let us pray...
Diocesan Prayer Card
A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.