The Fathering Project

Managing Anger

We all experience moments of anger. It's a perfectly normal part of being human, and as a dad, you're no exception! The journey of fatherhood can be challenging and stirs up a wide range of emotions, often revealing triggers you never knew existed. Remember, you are only human and anger is inevitable, but it's how you choose to express it that counts.

Top Tips

1. Express, don’t repress

Anger is a natural emotion, and bottling it up can lead to negative outcomes. It's essential to find healthy ways to express your feelings and not let anger control you.


2. Seek support

Remember, you're not alone in this journey! There are resources and communities available to help you navigate the challenges of fatherhood, including managing your emotions. Seeking support and advice can make a world of difference.


3. Stay in control 

Being in control of your emotions is a sign of strength, not weakness. It's okay to ask for help, talk to someone you trust, or explore strategies for managing anger in a healthy way.

Dad Joke of the Week!​​​​​​


"I decided to play golf with my friend. On the third hole, he said, 'Let's make this interesting...' So we stopped playing golf."​​​​​​​​​​​