Resource Centre

Year 10 Work Experience
Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Tanaka Gatherers in the Resource Centre as part of MAG's Year 10 Work Experience program. During his time with us, Tanaka lent out and returned books, assisted students in locating books they were interested in, and began the stocktake and weeding process in our Secondary non-fiction area. He also spent time organising and cleaning the Junior non-fiction area. In addition, Tanaka supported Ms Height in a number of her IPT lessons.
"Last week I had the absolute pleasure of joining Meagan Height and Clare O'Neill in the Resource Centre. Whilst I was there I learnt how to use the library system which encompassed, borrowing, renewals and returns of books. I helped re-organise the learning space with Miss O’Neill to surprise Miss Height. During my time working in the Resource Centre, I helped re-organise and clean books according to the dewey decimal system, I also helped with the stocktaking of the non-fiction books. When I wasn't in the Resource Centre I was in class assisting Miss Height and creating meaningful connections with the students. Contrary to popular belief, Resource Centre work is not just sitting around and doing nothing, it requires proactivity, initiative, creativity and a willingness to do what must be done, even if it may be tedious at times. The Resource Centre provides a diverse working range in terms of tasks, and is a great place to work in. I'd like to thank Ms O’Neill and Miss Height for taking me on board and showing me what a week in the life of the Resource Centre staff is like.
-Tanaka Gatherers
Stocktake and Weeding our Collection
As mentioned above, we started the process of stocktake and weeding the non-fiction collections over the last few weeks. Your help is needed to work with your child to locate library books and return them to the Resource Centre at your earliest convenience.
Christmas Display
Come and enjoy Ms O’Neill’s current Christmas display in the Resource Centre! The display includes a Grinch on the windows, a snowman under our tree and a Christmas book display with several great books to borrow and enjoy before the end of the term.
In the last few days we have placed an order for two copies of next year's National Simultaneous storytime book “Bowerbird Blue” by Aura Parker, using our rewards points.
If you are interested in ordering books outside of our set Scholastic LOOP times, you're welcome to do so.
You can still use the app to place orders under your child’s classroom. When the website asks for a delivery address, we suggest you have it delivered to your home address, which will have a cost associated.
The catalogues are online for you to view at anytime.
New Arrivals
Over the last week we have added the books that we selected from the Bookfair to our cataloging job list. Below are photos of the books.
Thank you for your support.
Ms Height and Ms O’Neill
The Resource Team