Primary School

Operation Christmas Child
We would like to thank the generous families who have put together some wonderful boxes for Operation Christmas Child, to be given to children in need from other countries. They have now been collected and are on the way to the warehouse in Melbourne, where they will be collated and sent around the world. How excited these disadvantaged children will be when they open their special box of gifts from our MAG families! We would like to thank Janine for picking up our boxes and would like to acknowledge the wonderful work of Pam Teh who visited our Primary Chapel and coordinated our School involvement. We were saddened to hear of Pam’s sudden recent passing and send our thoughts and prayers to her family.
Year 3/4 Maths Explorers Awards
We would like to congratulate the students listed below for their involvement in the 2023 Australian Problem-Solving Olympiad competitions as part of the Stage 2 and 3 Co-Curricular clubs run by Mrs Day and Mrs Rykers.
Year 3 and 4 Maths Explorers
Rory Mansfield, Aiden Thomson, Chloe Wildes, Aaria Aanjabin, Archie Flanigan, Rishi Shenai, Lily Watson, Isabelle Townrow
Year 5 and 6 Maths Games
Hugh Thomson, Ted Morton, Evie Townrow, Ryan Strahan, Vivaan Shenai, Charlie Flanigan, Hunter Cannon, Violet McGillivray, Charlie Palmer
In addition, Mrs Rykers and Mrs Day awarded the students below for their extra efforts and resilience as 'Maths Stars'.
Maths Stars - Explorers
Isabelle Townrow, Archie Flanigan, Rory Mansfield, Chloe Wildes
Maths Stars - Maths Games
Evie Townrow, Hugh Thomson, Ted Morton
Year 3 Maths - Popcorn Making
This week in Mathematics, students in Year 3 have been exploring the concepts of volume and capacity. The students were asked to design a paper container that could hold exactly 293 pieces of popcorn and they were allowed to use scissors, staples and tape. To support the students with their estimations, they were given a popcorn sample of 10 pieces of popcorn to work out the size they would need.
Year 5 Moama Bowling Club Excursion
On Tuesday, our Year 5 students ventured to the Moama Bowling Club to participate in a game of bowls, followed by lunch at the 'The Greens'. It was a valuable experience for our students to take part in an Outdoor Education and Pastoral Care program that included various activities to develop their individual and team building skills. The students gained a deeper understanding of teamwork concepts while celebrating a successful year together.
K-2 Stage Assembly
This week, 1B hosted the K-2 Stage Assembly. Students and staff were left in awe of the items that 1B presented. Students spoke confidently as they presented their detailed posters. It was a great showcase of the wonderful work that Miss Kew and 1B are achieving in their classroom. We had a special presentation by Mrs Sly as she presented certificates to the students in our Semester 2 PreLit and MiniLit Sage groups. We would like to congratulate both Mrs Sly and Mrs Morgan for their wonderful coordination of these groups. There were smiles aplenty as we celebrated our ‘Star of the Week’ award winners. The Assembly concluded with the singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ to Miss Delmenico.
The ‘Stars of the Week’ in K-2 were:
Navsher Sidhu | Alyssa Pirkebner | Addison Coburn |
Henry Pryde | Nathan Lees | Luke Murrells |
Mitchell Colliver | Hermione Knowles-Mulholland | Roslyn Francis |
Chad Johns | Bill Rankin | Evie Pell |
Banjo Harrison | ||
Sadie Palmer |
Stage 2 Assembly
On Wednesday 22 November, students and teachers in Stage 2 were treated to an engaging Assembly, skilfully hosted by Ivy and Rory from 4B. The Assembly showcased the incredible talents of students from Mrs. Day's Co-Curricular Math and Writing groups, who captivated the audience with their exceptional stories and innovative Math Marble Runs. The event reached new heights of excitement when Mrs. Briggs orchestrated a delightful raffle, featuring fantastic spot prizes for lucky recipients from classes 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B.
2023 Transition Program
Our Transition Program for 2024 is well underway. Our Kindergarten Transition Coordinator, Mrs Julia Reid visited many of the children who are enrolled to start in our 2024 Kindergarten classes in their preschool setting which has many benefits. Firstly, it provides an opportunity to observe the students in a classroom or playground setting where they are comfortable and feel safe. Secondly, being able to tap into the knowledge that the Educators have about their students is incredibly valuable. The opportunity to discuss classroom routines that work and unpack individual strategies for students are all supporting a smooth transition into school. Finally, for students being able to recognise an adult from their new school will assist students when they attend Moama Anglican Grammar for their first transition morning.
Our transition program also includes parents. From information sessions to curriculum workshops, we look forward to welcoming all our new families at the various upcoming events.
Kindergarten Transition morning
It was great to welcome our 2024 Kindergarten students for their first transition morning on Thursday. This first morning is such an important milestone in the transition to school program. It gives the children an opportunity to start building connections with their peers, which will support them transitioning into school. Students were given ample opportunities to play with their friends and staff were able to connect with each one of the children.
Parents enjoyed the Curriculum Workshop which outlined our approach to English, Mathematics, Fine Motor and Pastoral Care. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ivan Honey, the founder of The Get Happier Project, for explaining our comprehensive social and emotional learning program. I would also like to thank Tonya Eishold from Moama Community Health for speaking to our families about children’s speech and language skills, and Johanna Nesbitt, a local audiologist for explaining the importance of good hearing and the impact hearing loss has on learning.
We look forward to seeing all our 2024 Kindergarten students again for their second transition morning on Wednesday 29 November from 9:00am to 12:30pm.
Orientation Day
All current and new students at Moama Anglican Grammar will be involved in an Orientation Day on Tuesday 5 December. On this day, students will step up into their 2024 class with their 2024 peers and classroom teacher. This day is an integral part of the preparation for the 2024 academic year, and staff plan for an enjoyable and informative day with lots of ‘getting to know you’ activities. This will allow for new students to build connections with their peers and ease any anxieties they may have about changing year levels or schools.
Students are asked to wear comfortable casual clothes for the day and to start the day in their normal classroom. End of day arrangements remain as usual.
For those students identified, additional transition strategies will be implemented prior to this day.
Presentation Assembly
Preparation for the 2023 Primary Presentation Assembly is underway. This Assembly has been scheduled for Tuesday 12 December, starting at 1:30pm in the Resource Centre. Parents are invited to attend this important event and in addition, the Assembly will be livestreamed for parents to view. An official invitation will be sent to families in the coming weeks. These formal assemblies are a great opportunity to celebrate students’ achievements. Each classroom teacher from Kinder to Year 6 will select the four recipients for the student awards listed below.
Name of Award | Criteria | How the Award winner is determined |
| Awarded to one student from each K-6 class: ‘is awarded to the student who has achieved the highest overall results across the curriculum in their class for the year. | This award is objectively determined by the classroom teacher based on consistent and independent achievement throughout the year and generally not dependant on effort or attitude. Results from class-based assessment tasks and standardised tests, form the basis of the decision. |
Endeavour | Awarded to two students from each K-6 class: ‘is awarded to a student who has achieved above and beyond their potential across the curriculum by committing their best effort throughout the year. | This award is objectively determined by the classroom teacher based on consistent achievement and application throughout the year. The recipient will be a student that regularly goes the extra mile to provide evidence of attention to detail, in-depth investigation and thinking, reliability and presentation. Learner attributes not readily tested such as work ethic as well as aspects of the School’s Core Values also provide guidance when determining the recipient. |
Most Improved | Awarded to one student from each K-6 class: ‘is awarded to the student who has demonstrated the greatest progress and application throughout the year. | This award is objectively determined by the classroom teacher based on progress and application throughout the year. A comparison of results on class-based assessment tasks from the beginning of the year and standardised tests, should demonstrate a significant “leap” and form the basis of the decision, overlayed with teacher judgement to reflect learning attributes not readily tested such as work ethic as well as aspects of the School’s Core Values. |
Upcoming Events
27/11/23 Rock Band Concert (6:30 – 8:00pm in the MPH)
29/11/23 Kinder Transition 2 (9:00am – 12:30pm)
30/11/23 Year 5 Leadership Speeches
01/12/23 Primary Assembly; Year 6 Performance
01/12/23 Year 2 Sleepover
05/12/23 Kinder Transition 3 (9:00am – 2:30pm)
05/12/23 2024 Orientation Day; for students in Year 1 to Year 6
06/12/23 Christmas Services
07/12/23 Year 6 Graduation
11/12/23 Primary Christmas Concert
12/12/23 Primary Presentation Assembly
13/12/23 Celebration Day and Last day of Term 4 (3:05pm dismissal)
Kind Regards,
Nici Deller
Head of Primary