Parents, Teachers & Friends Association (PTF)

Parents, Teachers & Friends Association
Thank you to those families who have been volunteering to do their sessions of selling raffle tickets at the RSL on behalf of the PTF. Your time is greatly appreciated.
The raffles are held on Friday evenings from 6.00 - 7.30pm and Sunday lunchtime from 11.00 am - 12.30pm.
This is a great opportunity to raise money for the the PTF so that projects may be paid for to improve the facilities for all students here at Sacred Heart.
Please remember that if you are unable to make your rostered time, please contact someone else to fill your spot.
1ST - Jenny Emery | 3RD - Heike & Andrew |
8TH - Jenny Emery | 10TH - Georgie & Kate |
15TH - Leah & Robyn | 17TH - Plevey |
22ND - Aiden & Sophie | 24TH - Aiden & Sophie |
29TH - Andrew & Heike | 31ST - Sophie Rodstrom |
If you placed an order for uniforms, please contact Ms Traynor to make payment before items are collected.
Working With Children Check (WWCC) ~ Just a friendly reminder that if you are a member of the PTF you must have a current Working With Children Check. If you are not sure, please contact Ms Traynor in the office.
****Parents who volunteer at the school in any capacity around children other than your own are also required to have a Working With Children Check.
Volunteer Working With Children Checks can be obtained from Service NSW and once obtained are valid for 5 years.
Many Thanks
PTF Executive