Assistant Principal - Curriculum

Lou Corso

Level 6 Camp

A few weeks ago, Anita, Marcus and myself had the pleasure of attending the Level 6 camp at Waratah Bay. It was a fantastic camp, and I was incredibly impressed with the behaviour of all students and the way they upheld the school values.  The students had a great time participating in a variety of activities including beach walks, surfing, rock climbing and the giant swing. The food was amazing too. Thank you to all the Level 6 teachers for organising such a brilliant camp.

Staff at HEPS are busy finalising Semester 2 reports. These reports provide a great overview of students’ progress based on the completion of several assessments and classroom observations over the course of Semester 2.

Parents can access the reports via Compass on Monday 18th December. We encourage you to save a digital version of your child's report to access at a later date; this is especially important for our Level 6 students as they transition to high school.


2024 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

This is just a heads up to our current families with a child in Year 2 and in Year 4, the 2024 NAPLAN dates are 13th – 25th March (these are the same for Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN). We will be attempting to have all tests completed by Friday 22nd.

All things 2024 NAPLAN can be found here: