Principal's Page

Anita Elliott

It is just a couple of weeks away from our end of year Twilight concert on the 11th December. The children are again busily rehearsing in preparation for their evening performance, and are excited to once again sing together as a whole community. We have our fingers crossed for better weather than last year, and are confident that, regardless of the weather, we will come together for a lovely social event. More information is available in the Parent's Association page.


We find that at this time of the year,  families start to have weekends  filled with social events. This often means that students are coming to school quite tired after their weekends. We are still continuing our educational programs to maintain educational growth, routines and calm for children over the next few weeks. End of year activities at school often highten children. We are aiming to continue with normal routines over the next couple of weeks before we begin end of year activities.


Lou, Marcus and I are continuing to meet with architects on a weekly basis to discuss possiblities for our capital works project. I will share more information when I have a better understanding of what building works are being planned.


The end of this week will bring the start of Summer and hopefully some warmer weather. It is important that all children come to school each day with a school hat to protect them from the sun. We ask that all hats are named so they can be returned if lost, and for parents to discuss the importance of looking after personal belongings with their children. The official HEPS hat is a navy blue, wide brimmed hat that provides protection for the face, ears and neck.


Unfortunately, Covid has started to be more prevalent in the general community. In order to maintain the health of our whole school community we ask that unwell children stay home. Thank you again for being a considerate school community