Level 6

Level 6


In week 7 our Level 6 students went to Waratah Beach Camp. We enjoyed so many activities, including the giant swing, rock climbing, low ropes, beach volleyball, surfing, beach walks and initiatives. Everyone’s favourite activity was surfing. So many students were able to stand up on their surfboards!  So many students showed resilience and pushed beyond their boundaries on the giant swing, going all the way to the top! We also got to celebrate Zali and Miss Morrow’s birthdays with cake! 


In Inquiry, Level 6 are completing a unit called ‘Data and Decisions.’ We are currently presenting our business proposals in a ‘Shark Tank’ format, where students are presenting either by themselves or in small groups. We have created logos, slogans, print and digital advertisements to promote our businesses! Some groups even made business cards and websites! We used persuasive techniques we have learnt throughout the year to convince the sharks to invest in our products! Some inventions include ‘The Mega Cleaner’ which removes plastic from the ocean and ‘C.C.A Sports’ which are sports headphones that stay in your ears! 


In Writing, Level 6 students have been creating pieces for their end of year scrapbooks. These are cherished memories that the students have experienced in their years at HEPS! Students have been enjoying reminiscing on all the fun they have had over the past 7 years and have written a different text type for each year, these include poetry, persuasive, narrative, letter, expository, procedural and recount. This week, students are collecting photos of their time at HEPS which has been interesting and hilarious!