Level 4

Level 4

Newsletter Level 4 

As we approach the end of 2023, Level 4 have been busy reviewing key concepts to consolidate our learning, and investigating and researching using devices to prepare us for the Level 5 BYOD program.


Following our persuasive writing unit, Level 4 experienced debating. This involved several groups across the class having a topic where they had to argue either for or against. They then created and practised their speech with their team, before competing in the debate. Students who were not speaking during a debate, had to listen actively and assess their peers.


In Maths, we have been revisiting the concept of time. Our main focus is currently on solving problems involving elapsed time and converting 12 and 24-hour time. We have emphasised the importance of time in everyday life and how this is an essential life skill. 

After finishing our amazing stop motion animations (that can be viewed from home via our Google Classroom accounts), we have begun research study on PIXAR movies. Students are developing their digital technology and research skills to explore movies from this studio.

It has been a great term and we look forward to finishing off the year strong.