Practising Wellbeing in 1/2LK

Throughout the year, 1/2LK have been developing personal and social skills, practising mindfulness, voicing our concerns through supportive Circle Time and offering suggestions to our peers about how to solve simple and some more complex problems. 


Many of the group activities are designed to challenge our students in social situations and this term in particular we have been focusing on collaboration. Clear communication is important in all relationships and during Wellbeing lessons, students test and develop their communication skills to achieve a common goal in their partners, small groups or as a whole class. 


Some of these activities we explored can be viewed in the photos; Lego Copycat, the Tallest Shoe Tower, Threading the Hoop and Pass the Water. Ask your children about group challenge games and how they communicate when solving problems. Within our own families, we can model positive and clear communication skills at home.

Other activities that frequented the classroom throughout the year included guided meditation, particularly after morning tea or lunch on the playground. By practising calm breathing regularly, we are able to tap into that skill more readily when we really need to. 


It's been a wonderful year in 1/2LK where students have enjoyed being well-beings!


Mrs. Nat Lesur & Mrs. Kristina Khoo