A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff,


As we approach the end of an enriching and eventful year at Salvado Catholic College , I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our collective achievements, express gratitude, and extend warm wishes for the upcoming holiday season.


Staff Leaving

Next week we will farewell the following staff, Mrs Kelly Webb, Mr Chris Di Sabito, Mrs Heena Sharma, Mr Thairon Jansen and Ms Angie Grant we thank them for their contributions to Salvado Catholic College and wish them all the best for the futures. Mr Alberto Runco will be on Long Service Leave for Term One, we wish him all the best for his travels.


Community AGM

Thank you to the parents/caregivers who attended the AGM on November 23. A copy of my report can be found here. Since the AGM, I am pleased to announce that we have received nominations for the Friends of Salvado (FoS) Committee and will be in the position to announce the members of the FoS Committee to the College community in the new year. 


Primary Learning Space Teachers

As announced at the AGM the Primary Teacher placements are outlined below. Parents/Caregivers will be emailed next week regarding their Learning Space allocation for 2024. 


Mrs Jess Hanretty


Mrs Josuné De Vidal - Red

Mrs Jennifer Simpson - Grey


Mrs Anthea Maisey - Red

Mrs Kylee Visser - Grey

Year 1

Miss Annie Hughes - Red

Miss Olivia Bell - Grey

Year 2

Mrs Hailey Weaire - Grey 

Ms Rachel Cuccovia - Red

Year 3

Ms Devina Branche - Grey

Mrs Rhonda Cook - Red

Year 4

Mrs Sarah Hastie - Red

Miss Chloe Collard - Grey

Year 5

Miss Sarah Hegney - Grey

Miss Joreinel Abarca - Red

Year 6

Mrs Zoe Rozario - Grey

Mrs Clare Jeeves - Red

Specialist Teachers

Mrs Francesca Major (Italian)

Mr Paul Leeder (Music)

Ms Carrie Scullard (Science & Digital Technologies)

Miss Giovanna Arfuso (The Arts)

Mrs Jessica-Ann Trepp (Early Years)

Mrs Irene Bachiller (Early Years SupporTerm 1)


Updated Uniform and Personal Presentation Guidelines (Guidelines)

Over the course of the year we have been reviewing our Guidelines taking on board feedback from students and parents/caregivers, the updated Guidelines are available here. I ask that all parents/caregivers discuss the updated Guidelines with students in preparation for the 2024 school year. The new Guidelines include updates on;

  • Sports Shoes
  • Blazers for Secondary students 
  • Skirt length (a number of girls in the secondary require new skirts for 2024)
  • Hair and Jewellery clarification
  • Hats in the Secondary are now optional in Terms 2 & 3

Celebrating Success:

It has been a year filled with growth, academic accomplishments, and numerous milestones. Our students have consistently showcased their talents, dedication, and enthusiasm across various domains, whether in academics, arts, sports, or Christian Service Learning.


We are immensely proud of our students' successes which were highlighted this week at our celebratory events - Middle School Awards Night, Primary Awards Ceremony and the Year Six End of Year Celebrations. The student achievements stand as a testament to their resilience and determination.


Gratitude and Appreciation:

None of our accomplishments would have been possible without the unwavering support of our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and the enthusiasm and diligence of our wonderful students. Your commitment to our school's values and mission has been integral to our success.


I extend my deepest gratitude to each of you for your contributions, collaboration, and support throughout the year. Your involvement continues to make Salvado Catholic College a vibrant and nurturing community.


Season of Joy and Reflection:

As we enter the Christmas season, let us embrace the spirit of giving, kindness, and compassion. This time allows us to reflect on the blessings in our lives and extend our care to those in need. Let us also remember the true essence of Christmas—celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, whose teachings inspire us to love, forgive, and serve one another.


Salvado Catholic College will be closed for the holidays from Friday 15 December 2023 to 14 January 2024, resuming classes on Wednesday 31 January 2024. We hope this break provides everyone with an opportunity for rest, rejuvenation, and quality time with loved ones.


In closing, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for the dedication and support of our entire school community. Together, we have made remarkable strides, and I look forward to the new opportunities and achievements that the coming year will bring.

May this holiday season be filled with joy, peace, and cherished moments spent with family and friends. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
