Student News

Chess Tournament 2023

During the year, students from Years 4 to 7 have participated in Lunch time chess games. This was a friendly competition between all ages, in order to promote skills and knowledge about all things Chess. At the end of Term Three, five students from the Primary School were chosen to represent Salvado Catholic College in its inaugural year of the CEWA Inter-school Chess Tournament. The students were very excited about the opportunity to take part in the competition and played their hardest during the three rounds. I would like to congratulate Ethan Sebastian, Olaoluwa Abolarin, Gavrie Merson-King, Charlie Klatt and Cooper Richardson, who proudly ranked 14th position overall. This is an amazing result and the students received a special certificate to commemorate their efforts. Well done! 

Do you have news that you would like to share with us?

A student achievement that happened outside of school?

Send us an email:


Remember to include as much information as possible as well as:

- the student's first name and last name 

- year group. 

All photos should be in the highest resolution possible and sent as attachments.


We look forward to hearing from you!