Student Wellbeing

Well, it is nearly that time again to turn off the alarms, stock the fridge and pantry and enjoy quality family time together 😊 


There are some great things happening around our beautiful city that you will discover in the link below.


School Holiday Activities

If you are after something to keep your family occupied, here is a link that may be able to assist


Support Services

Free, confidential counselling service is available any time of the day or night by phone or webchat.


Christmas holidays, whilst a wonderful time of the year, can also bring moments of emotional turbulence for adults and children. If you or anyone in your family unit feel they may need to have a chat with someone, there is some fantastic support available. 



Kids Helpline

1800 55 1800


Beyond Blue

1300 22 4636



1800 650 890


Online forums

Beyond Blue

The Beyond Blue forums are a supportive place to connect with people who are going through similar experiences to you. You can read other people’s stories, ask for advice or share your own experience.  


Reach Out

Reach Out Forum is a supportive, safe and anonymous space where people care about what's happening for you, because they've been there too.



Reach Out

Use to figure things out and make life better. The website offers information and other resources designed specifically for young people.


Kids Helpline

The website has information and services to support young people through any problems – big or small.


Wishing everyone a safe, happy and peaceful Christmas and I hope the new year brings many opportunities and beautiful sunrises for all of our SCC Families.


Merry Christmas 🎄


Mrs Kerry Browne

Student Wellbeing Coordinator