How to help your child succeed at school

Developing Mathematics and Fine-Motor Skills through Origami

Origami, the traditional Japanese art of paper folding, indeed has mathematical and fine-motor skill development aspects to it. Here's how:



Geometry: Origami often involves the precise folding of paper to create intricate shapes. It relies heavily on geometric principles, such as symmetry, proportion, and angles. Understanding these concepts is crucial for creating complex origami designs.

Mathematical Algorithms: Some advanced origami designs require the use of mathematical algorithms, like the Maekawa-Justin Theorem, Huzita's Axioms, and circle packing, to achieve specific folds and shapes.

Fractional Creases: Origami instructions frequently include fractions, and understanding and executing these fractional folds accurately require mathematical understanding.


Fine-Motor Skill Development

Hand-Eye Coordination: Origami demands precise hand movements to fold and manipulate paper. This enhances hand-eye coordination, which is beneficial not only in origami but in various other activities as well.

Fine-Motor Skills: Origami encourages the development of fine-motor skills, which are essential for tasks like handwriting and intricate craftsmanship. It helps improve dexterity and finger control.

Patience and Concentration: Completing complex origami projects requires patience and focused attention. These skills are valuable for both children and adults, helping to improve concentration and discipline.


Origami is not only an art form but also a valuable educational tool. It can be used to teach mathematical concepts, foster creativity, and enhance fine-motor skills. Many educators and therapists use origami as a hands-on activity to promote learning and development in various domains.


Laura Leung

Teaching and Learning