3/4 Area

Monique Herbert, Rachel Foy, Emily Giliam, Elizabeth Higham, Sarah Castellas, Denise Diamantopoulos, Cansu Cerrah, Nicole Riley, Ruth Chamberlain-Hitchens and Andrew Francis

Our final newsletter for 2023 showcases a range of learning beyond our usual 3/4 classrooms.


We were incredibly proud of the Year 3/4 students and their performances at the School Concert. The creativity, commitment, persistence and bravery displayed by our students has been impressive, and we thank the 3/4 families for all their support along the way. 


The smiles on the faces of the 3/4E students below illustrate how special and fun it was to be part of this year's concert together:

The students in 3/4C were also proud to play a part in this year's concert. Their faces show how excited they were to present their concert item, 'Arabian Night'.


Also this term, selected students from the 3/4 area have taken part in social groups, where they have participated in a wide range of activities designed to support their academic and social learning. As shown below, Mohamed, Billy and Zac worked with focus and care to create their own rice-filled balloon fidgets: 

Finally, we are looking forward to the Year 3/4 T-ball championship, to be decided next Monday, December 11th at Cole Reserve. Again, the dedication, resilience and courage shown by many students during our tournament matches and practice sessions has been commendable, and we are incredibly proud of the way students have grown in their skills and knowledge of the game. Best of luck to everyone playing on Monday.


The Year 3/4 team would like to wish all our students and their families a safe, relaxing and joyful school holidays, and we thank you for all your support throughout the year.