Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Mrs Angela Gioia & Ms Natasha McKenna

Zoo Excursion! 

Last week we braved the rainy weather and headed off to the zoo. Even though the weather wasn't the best, this didn't dampen our spirits. We all had a wonderful time exploring the zoo, learning about animals and participating in a learning program called Wild Explorers, where students explored a habitat for different living and non living things. 

It was a great day and we were very thankful for the wonderful parent helpers who came with us for the day! You helped to make our day a success, thank you!


Year 2 in Review

Time flies when you're having fun, has to be a saying to sum up this year in Grade 2. We have had an amazing year and are sad to say goodbye to the students and families we had this year. We have enjoyed learning together and having lots of fun along the way. We had our Grade 2 Sleepover, AUSLAN incursion, STEM incursion, Discovery Open Afternoon, swimming, zoo excursion and lots more! 

         The Grade 2 teachers would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and all the best for next year in Grade 3!

Miss Lyon, Ms McKenna and Mrs Gioia! 


The best thing about this year was....

  • the swimmming program (Erin, Hamoudy and Emma, 2A)
  • the mealworm experiement (Bilal, 2A)
  • being with my friends. (Harvey, 2B)
  • we had a great teacher! (Chester, 2B)
  • my friends. (Harriet, 2B)
  • the Grade 2 Sleepover. It was fun. (Pia, 2C)
  • the swimming program. (Salman, 2C)
  • when we went to the zoo! (Adelaide, 2C) 
  • seeing all the animals at the zoo! (Ryusei, 2C)